Chapter 6: My Old Friends

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  It was Friday and school was over. Jason was driving home. After we got home we changed into some older clothes we didn't mind getting dirty but we're still nice as well as warm. Esme also got changed. I grabbed a basket and put a nice blacker in it, again old but nice. I put some snacks in some zip locks and water and hot chocolate in some bottles for us. I walked out the door and locked it as Jason and Esme got into the car. I placed the basket next to Esme and got in the driver's seat. Jason decided to sit in the back with Esme and moved the basket out of the way.

As I drove we saw fewer buildings and houses. Finally. We came to a large field with woods and a small house in the middle of it. I drove down the driveway and stopped at the house. We were at my friend's house, Willow. She so happened to be a photographer and would be taking my maternity photos. There was a herd of wild horses that she let roam her property since she didn't use it. She did take care of them though. She left out food and water for them and she called the vet if she noticed something bad or one was injured.

Every week, on Friday after school. I would come down here and sit. The horses would get curious after a while of me sitting in the field and would eventually come to say hi. Some Fridays I would be too busy to come and Willow would send me photos or videos of the horses looking for me where I usually sat.

Willow came out of her house with her camera and keys around her neck.

"Ok, guys. Load up." Willow said and we began climbing in her giant truck.

She drove five minutes to the spot where I sat. It was always cleared of snow during the winter, sometimes with a light dusting. We got out of the truck and I laid down the blanket and set some rocks atop it. The four of us began to have lunch and watched as the horses grew curious. Willow turned on the truck and blasted the heat. I took off my coat and headed back to the blanket as Esme was heading to the truck with Jason.

Willow took some photos then I came into the truck to warm up. I went back out as Jason was removing his jacket and I sat on the blanket. Some of the horses came and stood next to me and a couple laid down. The herd consisted of about 20 horses. Willow snapped some photos of me with them as Jason was walking to us. The horses noticing him, watched with a close eye.

I took note of this and as he approached they got up and pinned back their ears. huddling around me as if I were their own. I carefully pushed past the animals and took Jason's hand. I made sure they were watching as I embraced Jason and held his hand as we walked to them. I slowly stretched out our hands and let them smell, then slowly removed mine.

Their ears returned to normal once they realized he was friendly and they began to lay down. I sat down next to one and began petting it as Jason sat next to me. We took more photos and then hopped back into the truck to warm up. Jason went and took a couple with the horses then Esme went over to the horses.

They seemed more trusting of the girl when we let her approach them. They sniffed her and when I approached and hugged her as I had done with Jason they relaxed. I took a couple of photos with Esme and the horses. Then we added Jason. Then the horses lost interest and walked away. We took family photos and some of just me and Esme.

After we finished everyone got back into the truck but I just put on my coat and sat there, waiting and waiting until one of the yearlings I had watched been born came over to say hello. Her mama followed the young horse, I petted the friendly pair then I got up to leave as they left. I made my way to the truck and situated myself in the front passenger.

Willow drove back to her house then we said our goodbyes then Jason drove us three home. On the way back I was texting Willow about the price. She ended up not charging us as we grew up neighbours and were very close friends. I thanked her and then fell asleep for the rest of the drive.

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