Chapter 4: Same Old Thing

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I am due in two weeks I'm going to work this week and then I'm off until this baby comes. I'm hoping she'll come when she's supposed to. I am getting tired of being pregnant.

I let out a heavy breath as set my bag in the back of the car. The cold Tuesday air surrounds me. I sat down in the driver's seat and waited for Esme and Jason to buckle up. I pulled out of the driveway and headed to school. The car was silent the whole way. It was 7:35, technically kids shouldn't be here yet but Esme came with us so it's fine. I go set my stuff down at my desk and make my way outside for bus duty.

I get outside at 7:49 and Ann makes her way down the steps. I sit at the usual picnic table and wait for kids and buses to arrive. We chat for a bit then a bus comes and I get up and walk over to the bus. I quickly talk with the driver and return to my seat. At 8:00 Jason comes outside and sits next to us. By now there have been two or three busses and most of the kids here are inside and have been dropped off. There are a few students who decided to stay outside.

I was the last inside at 8:15 and I made my way to the art room. I took off my jacket, my scarf, my hat and my mittens. I went about my day as normal. During the last class I taught I thought I would get the fish and throw them at my class as a reward.

When I walked into the music room fish were flying back and forth. It was a full-on war between the kids and Jason. A fish landed near my feet and I scanned the room for someone to throw it at. My eyes locked on my target, my target being Jason. I threw the fish. My aim was a little too high and hit his ear. Just as my fish hit his ear he froze. Ann sat in the front row and threw a fish and it hit Jason's nose.

"That is the third time this block!" He said as he laughed he took some fish and threw them at her. She caught one and just as he turned around to see who threw the fish at his ear the girl made another shot and hit his nose. "Really?"

He finally turned to face me and he looked kind of shocked. When I came in I closed the door behind me so no fish would escape.

Jason then said very loudly. "Get her!" And everyone threw fish at me.

I threw some back and then asked if I could borrow them. Jason nodded and I grabbed the bucket of fish that hadn't been thrown or was thrown and landed in the bucket. I walked to my class and discreetly set down the bucket. Jason snuck in just as I was about to close the door. We both reached into the bucket and grabbed a fish each. A girl, Mia Wilson saw us and had a devilish grin on her face. No one else saw us and I motioned for her to come here.

She walked over and I handed her the fish in my hand and took another one from the bucket.

"Ready. Aim. FIRE!" I said and we simultaneously threw the fish at the kids. It was then just like Jason's class. Fish flying back and forth. We were now being attacked by the fish.

After about four minutes I yelled for everyone to put the fish in the bucket on the way out. After everyone had left I brought the bucket back to the music room. Jason was sitting in his chair and had a fish in each hand. As soon as I turned to set the bucket down he threw them at me.

It was a war between the two of us and the fish was our amo. After a couple of minutes, we were out of breath and hysterically laughing. I was laughing so hard I started to cry. I turned to leave so I could run to the bathroom before I peed myself and saw the principal, the vice principal and a student all at the doorway laughing their butts off. I quickly pushed passed them and dashed to the nearest bathroom down the hall. I made it just in time and walked back to the music room.

"Sorry about that." I said as I walked in the door.

The student had gone and Cadence, Mrs. Black started to talk to me. We walked into my class and sat down at a table. We talked for a good 20 minutes before she left. I went about my afternoon and sat at my desk grading papers.

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