Chapter 5: Cotten Eye Joe

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It was Wednesday and there was a dance today in the gym. Wednesday is half a day so I teach four 30-minute long classes right up until dismissal. I had bus duty today. I let the kids know of this yesterday. At 11:50, five minutes before the first dismissal I told the class to go get their stuff ready and to wait in the student lobby until their respectful dismissal. After the kids began gathering their things I began to put my coat on and winter boots. Mia Wilson came up to me and asked what she was to do since she was helping set up the dance. I told her to go to the gym and wait there since that's where we'd all be in about 15 minutes. She nodded and went on her way.

I got to the student lobby just as the first few kids arrived there. I waited until 11:55 to let them out and once those doors were open it was a stampede of kids. I walked up to the busses followed by the children. The second dismissal came at 12:05 so I waited outside. Right on time the doors opened and out came the rest of the children. I made sure every last one got on the bus and luckily no one missed their bus today.

I rushed inside and headed straight for the art room. I took off my coat and boots. I changed my shoes back to my flats and headed for the gym. We got to work right away. Jason and a girl named Eva worked on the music playlist. I got to work hanging decorations. It took a couple of hours and there was still half an hour before parents would come pick up their kids that helped set up. The dance was from 6 pm until 8:30 pm. It was currently 2:00 pm. I walked into the gym and went to where Jason and Eva were set up. Jason wasn't there but Eva was.

"Eva. Is the music playlist done and everything hooked up?"

"Yup. Why?"

"Well, there's still 30 minutes before you guys get picked up so I had something in mind. Where's Mr. N?"

"Right here." Someone said and placed their hands on my shoulders. I got startled and kicked who was behind me before turning around quickly.

"Oh god Jason, don't do that to me!" Jason was bent in half clutching his knee from my reaction.

"Sorry love. Your just so easy."

"Oh, you," I said. "I need to talk to you."

Jason straightened up with a few chuckles as he tried to not laugh. "Sure."

After about a minute his laughing didn't stop. I quickly went to the art room and got my scarf. I came back and he was still trying not to laugh. Jason was facing Eva and I folded up my long scarf and I snuck up behind him and started gently hitting him with the scarf.

"Stop laughing," I said as he got startled and turned around.

Jason tried to speak several times but couldn't from laughter. After about a minute I looked past him and saw Eva's face was bright red from laughing. After I noticed Jason trying to speak again I stopped. Mine and Jason's faces were also bright red from laughing. I put the scarf over my shoulder.

"Love. That scared me."

"Sorry love. Your just so easy." I said mimicking Jason.

"Serves you right for scaring a pregnant woman," Eva said. Jason turned to face her and I took a step to the side so I could see her.

"What?" Jason said.

"Well yeah. You kept scaring her and she got tired of it. She got revenge." I burst out into laughter from this I rushed to the bathroom outside the gym. Once I returned everything had settled down a little. I saw Jason once I entered and started to try not to laugh as I approached him.

I told him what I was thinking. He agreed with it and that it was a good idea since everything was done. He went on his laptop and told Eva what we were doing. He pulled up a video. I went into the hall and called for everyone in the gym. I explained that since we finished early we were going to dance.

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