Chapter 9: Pictures and Babies

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  It was a Monday afternoon, I, Jason Eva and Esme were heading to the doctor. This was my last ultrasound and we'd find out today if I could deliver at home with my midwife Jane.

  When we got there I got checked in then we went to sit in the waiting room. I pulled out a book and began reading as Eva and Esme talked about something to do with their music work. After what felt like forever I was finally called back. The five of us then walked into the ultrasound room.

  There was a bed, two chairs, an ultrasound machine, some other gadgets and a giant TV on the wall opposite the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed as we waited for the ultrasound tech to arrive. When she did she looked through my chart.

  "So, do you know the gender?"

  "Yes." I said.

  "And you know of the autism, correct?"


  "Ok let's get started then. Could you lay back and lift your shirt?"

  I did and she placed a paper napkin thing on my shirt and pants to stop the gel from getting on them.

  "This is gonna be cold." She then squeezed some of the cold gel onto my stomach placed the wand from the ultrasound machine on my stomach and began moving it around.

  "Alright, there's her little face." I then felt the baby move around a little.

  "Oh, there she goes hiding from us." I said.

  The tech clicked some buttons as she moved the wand around, presumably taking photos. After I'd say, ten minutes she wiped off the gel and removed the napkins. I pulled down my shirt and sat up.

  "I'll be back in two minutes, dr Willow wants to have a chat with you."

  We sat and we waited.

  The doctor then came in with the tech. She handed me the photos and then left. The doctor sat down where the tech sat and began talking.

  "So, are you planning to give birth at home? Or the hospital?" She inquired.

  "At home, if it's possible. I don't like hospitals much. Is there a problem?"

"No actually. If you don't mind may I hook you up to the monitor now if you pop on that bed there."

I nodded. I was then hooked up to a monitor and left alone with Jason for a while. A nurse came in every five minutes to check the monitor. After half an hour I was unhooked and I grabbed my things then left the room. "Get your coats on, we're heading home now girls."

We got into the car and then drove home. Jason handed Esme the ultrasound photos after she asked to see them. Esme gawked at them while talking with Eva the whole ride back.

Once we got to the house I jumped in the shower and went straight into my room to relax and watch some TV.

I eventually fell asleep But was awake when I was nudged by a cold wet thing. I opened my eyes to see Ash nudging me with her nose, signalling she needed to go out.

I decided to go out for a little fresh air with Ash. I put on my coat, mittens and toque. I put Ash's harness on and connected her leash. I opened the door and Ash ran out the door. I stood on our porch, the cold air stinging the inside of my nose. I watched as Ash ran around in the snow jumping and diving into it.

I walked down the few steps covered with a thick, heavy layer of wet snow. I bent down and picked up some snow and tossed it in the air. Ash saw and ran under the falling snow. We did this for a while then when my hands started to get cold we went back inside.

I made myself a hot chocolate And sat down to read a book. It was about this family, who moved from Paris to the Netherlands. They only know English and a little French, so they have a hard time adjusting to life there.

I finished three chapters and it was dark by now. I could hear Eva and Esme in her room, which was where they had been since we got back. I don't know where Jason was. I set my book down got up from the chair with a mild struggle, and headed to the office.

Sure enough, Jason was there, we chatted for a while then looked At the time, 10:30. We got up, and I went to tell the girls to get ready for bed but they had fallen asleep already. I decided to leave them as is and headed to the kitchen where Jason was making us some sandwiches.

I ate my two sandwiches quickly, not realizing how hungry I had been. Jason looked at me and stopped chewing, he had just finished his first and I had gotten up and placed my plate next to the sink.

"You must've been hungry." he said between bites.

"Guess so." I said.

I made my way to our room to get changed and brush my hair. I then went to brush my teeth and nearly ran over Ash who was lying in the doorway.

"Darn it Ash!" I whispered and yelled as we both got startled and she got up. I bent down, the best I could and gave her some pets. "It's ok Ash."

She then walked away and I returned my focus to brushing my teeth. I rinsed my mouth out just as Jason came in to brush his. I sat in bed and took my crochet from my night table. I had made a few dishcloths, some Teddys and a blanket for my niece when my sister was pregnant.

Now I was making another teddy, for my baby. It was an off-white colour, it had floppy puppy ears a round face with a round snout, and instead of a body, it had a blanket attached with two arms. The yarn wasn't chunky, but was so soft and it held its shape, it had the distinct features I described, but behaved like it was made out of fabric and the blanket part fell so nicely.

It looked nearly identical to the two comfort Teddys I had. That's why I was making it, so my daughter could have the same comfort mine gave me when I wasn't near my mother, so if for whatever reason we're separated, she can still get the same comfort.

I had almost finished it I could probably finish it tonight. Just two more rounds with decreases, weave in the ends and make sure it was stuffed right and it would be done and ready. I picked up my crochet hooks and my pattern and began to crochet.

Jason then came out of the bathroom and got changed as I continued to crochet. I had one more round left to do then the ends. I managed to finish the round and weave in the ends. The teddy was finished and now it was waiting for her arrival. I set it to the side along my my crochet supplies and fell asleep as Jason got into the bed next to me.

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