Chapter 2: Class

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It was a cold day, I was wearing a sweater dress with my hair in a braid. As I was putting my lunch in my bag Jason walked by.

"Ready to go yet?"

"Yup." I said as I zipped up the bag.

We got in his car and drove to school. It wasn't far, but it felt like forever. Esme decided to take the bus this morning instead of going with us so she could talk with her friends. As we drove I wondered how the kids would behave today. For some reason, if I take the watercolours out when it's snowing or cold like today, I would have to wash them all after class.



"What are you doing for music today?"

"Today we are doing ukulele. If they're good maybe a rubber chicken orchestra?" He paused. "What are you doing?"

"Let's just say I might need to borrow some fish..." He knew it was something with pencil crayons when I said that. (The fish are stuffed TOYS. They never were, and never will be alive!) "Ah darn."

"What?" He said.

"I've got bus duty today!" I said as I leaned back. "Ugh."

"At least you don't have boomwackers in your class."

We continued to chat then we finally got to school. I grabbed my bag and headed inside followed by Jason. As I walked to the art room I greeted other teachers and the janitor. I set down my bag at my desk grabbed my lunch and walked to the staff room. I put my lunch in the fridge and returned to class. I sat down and munched on a granola bar I brought from home. Once I was done I looked at my watch. 7:45 I grabbed my scarf and jacket and put my phone in one pocket and my water in the other.

As I walked I zipped up my coat and by the time I made it outside at 7:48, cars were starting to drive down the road. I sat on the picnic table by the bus drop-off zone and waited. Then at 7:50 the first kid came down the few steps and walked towards me. She sat down.

"Good morning Ms Rose. How are you today?"

"Good morning, I'm fine, thank you. How are you?"

"I'm fine as well." The girl replied. "You know Harry Potter, right?"

"Indeed I do."

"Well I was at the store yesterday and I saw some replica wands. There was Harry's, of course. Luna's, Ron's, Hermione's, Snape's, Dumbledore's and McGonagall's. Shockingly, there was only one of Snape's left and there was at least ten of Harry's."

"That is shocking."

"Anyway I bought some and I know you and Mr N. like Harry Potter, so I bought you both a wand."

"Oh my god Ann, we can't accept that! Keep them for yourself. You're the one that bought them."

"Yeah, with my own money. And I want you two to have them. I insist." After about five minutes of me saying no I finally gave up.

"Fine, go put them on my desk, be quick and I'll look later." She nodded and walked inside.

I stood up as I saw a bus come down the bus lane. As I approached the bus the driver opened the doors and the kids filed out. I greeted them and said good morning. I walked around and chatted with a few kids until the next bus came. Then another and three were in the bus lane and one on the main road waiting to come in the lane. After a few more busses I called the kids to go inside since it was 8:15. I had to stay out and wait for a final bus.

The bus came and was late. I walked inside after the kids and went to the art room. I went and sat down at my desk. I looked at the two Harry Potter replica wands, one had a sticky note saying who's is who's. Ann had gotten me Luna's wand and she had gotten Jason Snape's wand.

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