Chapter 7: Big Day!

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It was Saturday and I was in a small room with my bridesmaids, maid of honour and the flower girl.

  I was sat in a chair in front of a mirror and vanity. I finished my makeup and put on some setting spray to make it last the day. I grabbed a hairbrush and started to brush my hair when Willow, my maid of honour came up behind me to do it instead. Jason had one of his friends, Finn, also a photographer as his best man. Coincidentally he asked me and Jason if he could propose to Willow today when I toss my bouquet.

We both loved the idea of sharing that moment with them and agreed.

  We had also hired a photographer, I think a distant cousin of Willow or Finn, as our photographer.

Willow had my hair half pinned up when Marylyn, Jason's mother who was very rude to me, burst threw the doors. She had her hair done up with a crown and a flowing white gown. I saw fire. She wasn't even in my bridal party and yet she had the nerve to show up here, with my bridal party. Wearing of all things, a wedding crown and white wedding dress.

  "Hello, Marylyn." I said as I got up from my seat.

  "Yes, we'll, hello to you too." She said as she looked around. "So, where is it?"

  "Where's what?" Willow said bitterly.

  "Now now, don't be rude. The wine of course! Where's the red?"

  "There is none," I said as she continued looking. "But we do have champagne and flavoured sparkling water. But that's for the bridal party."

  "Well, in that case, good thing I brought some!" She said as she filled an empty glass. I made haste as I walked to her.

  I snatched the bottle and glass of red wine from her and then got the revenge I so desperately desired. This woman had been nothing but rude and toxic to me since the moment I got engaged. Jason agreed that this behaviour of hers had to stop. I poured the glass on her dress and she shrieked. Then I poured the whole bottle on her as I walked around her in a circle. I snatched the crown from her head and dropped it on her stained dress plucked the Bobbie pins from her hair and let it down. She then proceeds to scream at me.

  "Marlyn. Get THE HECK OUT OF MY DAMN WEDDING!" I screamed back. "I'm not putting up with this today! Get out the door before I make you!"

  The door opened in came Jason with some groomsmen. I turned around not wanting to ruin our first look when I walked down the aisle.

  "Get her out of here." I said over my shoulder as I walked back to the chair and I sat down. "Jason we need to talk."

  After the incident, everyone began to stare. They knew how she treated me and they knew I would never hurt a fly. I was always the quiet kid who dealt with the trauma and never stood up for myself. We talked for a couple of minutes facing away from each other, I shaking from what just happened, then we came to the decision that Marylyn was now uninvited from the whole wedding including the reception and after party. Out of the many years, everyone knew me, I had done something different. Something that seemed to terrify some- including Esme. I noticed Esme in the mirror looking like she was about to cry and Eva trying to calm her down.

I knew that face. Nothing made her cry normally. She had the same story as me, her father was in jail and her mother- was dead. She hadn't been as fortunate as I had. I got up from the chair and walked to the couch where Esme was sitting.

"Dear, what's wrong?" I said as I crouched down in front of her and took her hands.

"Your voice mummy. I-it was like his when he got mad enough." She stuttered as she began to cry.

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