1. Alison Short

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"Pop princess Alison Short is at it again! After four months she is back into dating world-"

"Has it only been four months? Feels like we have been dealing with the aftermath of Joe for years!"  The gossip reporters bickered back and forth.

"Wait im getting reports," laena Vance held up her phone. "Rock star Maxwell was already seen with another girl!"

"Didnt like him anyways." Margaery Tyler countered. "She can do better than pop stars. I wonder who will caught everyones favorite pop princess next?"

"That was a great show tonight! Super duper!"

"Thanks Mel." Alison answered chugging down a bottle of water. Her throat was sore from the 44 songs she sang that night. Her fingers were a little tingly from how much guitar she played too. Her heart was still racing with the adrenaline of it all.

"Hey I thought we were going to get the issues with the lighting fixed?" Alison questioned as she moved to her dressing room stripping from her last bejeweled outfit of the night. She unfortunately didnt get to put on comfy clothes yet. She was still Alison Short, super star. Once she got home alone, to her cats then she could relax.

"Sorry about that!" Mel declared a bit of panic in her voice.

"I felt like I was being blinded for 'Without You'" alison hesitated before forcing a smile and turning her mood back around "Its okay. Lets just make we check before our next show."

"Of course Alison, Im making a note and giving it three exclamation points and underlining it in red!" Mel assured. Alison saw her assistant scribbling like a mad man. Alison chuckled slipping her shoes on. "They are clearing you a path now so whenever you are ready. Security is waiting outside."

"Thanks Mel. Have a good night." Alison called out.

"Again, really great show. They love you!"

It was nice to be loved. Alison liked that her 'Shorties' she didnt know when the name started but it caught on and she loved it. Her Shorties were like an extended family that spread all over the world.

Alison had always wanted to be singer. She started in her room with her guitar and nothing more. Now she was playing stadiums. Football stadiums for God's sake. She was at the top of her game but completely alone at the end of the night. No cheering fans to welcome her home. Three purring cats demanding attention however always ready to greet her.

Her security team was some of the best and most trained men and women in the country. She opened her door back in and ready to go. She knew there would be a line of black tinted SUVs waiting for her once they got outside.

Being on top meant, everyone was trying to bring you down. She had a lot of fans, but she had some stalkers. A Good number of people that hated her because of her success or thought she was a hoax.

She worked hard to get where she was in life. It wasn't handed to her. When she was a kid record label after record label rejected her. But she knew she was going to be a star so she kept fighting and now here she was top of the world.

"Hey guys."

"Ms short. You all set?" Head of security Jaime asked.

"Yeah." She answered softly her voice was hoarse after the show. She didn't like to talk an hour before her show because she needed all of her vocal muscles in peak condition for the two hours she was going to be singing and dancing and flying around the stage.

" got a few reporters, always begging for an exclusive but I can send them away." Jaime added.

" I don't think I can handle reporters tonight." she admitted.

" not a problem-" he waved to hand, and two of the men flocked off.

The drive home was quiet. Your security team did a sweep around the outside of her house and the gates, when she got there. Once everything was secure, she headed inside, pulling off her headphones and locking the door behind her. She heard meows and her smile widened, kneeling down beside her cats, that joined her at the door.

"you miss me baby?" She cooed down to them. She scooped up the youngest of her three. His name was Castiel. Her eldest Chester was a Himalayan and he had beautiful striking markings. Zena a little troublemaker, and princess did figure eights around her legs. Already ready for the next treat.

Even though Alison had homes all over the world none of them felt like home without her cats.

She was on the second leg of her tour. She had been around half of the United States up in to Canada down into Mexico. Then she went around the world going to Australia, London, Paris, France. She went to China and Amsterdam. She got to see the most amazing of places all around the world. She loved Bangkok and Singapore. She even went down to Africa not as much are touring, but for volunteering. She donated over $10 million to children in need.

The world seemed to love her. And she liked that the money she made she was able to do good with. She had started a few charities donated to countless others. She didn't do it for the publicity she did it because she had so much and others had so little and she knew she could help.

A part of every tour profit from every city was donated back into that city. She made sure that she donated to the local homeless shelters and animal shelters. Wherever was needed most. She had to convince herself on multiplications that she didn't need another cat.

Three cats were good anything more than three cats and she would start turning into a crazy cat lady and then she would really never find a man.

She got changed into her comfiest of sweatpants and an oversize sweatshirt and plop down on the couch for a night of relaxation, after a very busy day.

Finally alone cats piled on her lap. She grabbed the remote to catch the recaps from the game.

"Dang it," she muttered seeing the score. "Losers!"

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