24 Speak Now

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When Alison checked her phone that night she was flooded with texts. Not just from her friends but from Trevor. She listened to his voicemail and her heart broke. It was from three hours ago.

She called him back but it went to voicemail.

"Dont listen to the media Trevor. Joes an ass. I love you. Whatever you heard or saw. Just ignore it. Sorry i missed your calls. I went for a walk I-" she heard the door buzz and looked at the security gate. "You are here so im going to hang up."

She buzzed him in and he drove like speed racer up to the house. She met him on the driveway. He jumped out hugging her before the car had even stopped completely. She clung to him.

"I wasn't worried for a second." Trevor lied.

"I love you. I love you." Alison declared.

"I love you!"

He lifted his fingers and ran them over her jawline with tender worship, and a deep, unrestrained longing filled his eyes. He leaned forward ever so slightly, breathing her in, and then another emotion joined his desire. Concern.

"Are you alright?" Trevor questioned.

"I had a bad day." Alison admitted. "I missed you. Im sorry Trev."

"You have nothing to apologize for. I was- okay I lied. I was worried." Trevor admitted. "Worried about you. I..." he hesitated.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace." Alison mused.

"I dont want you worry about the future. Between us. Because you are it for me. I dont want to feel like-" he tapped a finger to his chest. "This pain when im away from you. I love you. I want the world to know you are my forever."

"Forever." Alison agreed kissing him. "Maybe its bad timing considering the news that was circling and people will get the wrong idea think the wrong guy but I wrote you a love song. Its coming out tonight. I want to sing it to you first."

Trevor say beside her at the piano her fingers danced over the keys. Trevor had a voice of a long forgotten piano. But alison had the voice of an angel. A fleet of glorious angels.

"Thats for me?"

"All my love songs are for you." Alison assured. "You and only you."

He lifted her into his arms, and her back met the wall. Trevor'shands were almost desperate, drawing up her shirt and pulling her jeans down her pants over full hips. He sank deep inside her without warning and they both groaned. His forehead rested against hers, and she inhaled a shaky breath.

"My forever" alison whispered against him. He smiled as he moved, sliding in and out, invading her in the most delicious way. Their gazes held and their breaths became heavier, faster. Alisons head fell back, the wall bit into her scalp and back, but she didn't care. Each thrust touched something deep inside her, building sensation after sensation.

"You are perfect," he said, fingers twisting into her hair. He cupped the back of her head, his thrusts taunted as he slowed, moving at a pace that ensured she could feel every part of him. "You are beautiful. I have never wanted like I want you." His admission came with a kiss, alison couldnt breathe she loved him she loved this she loved how he made her feel. Inside and out.

then trevor pumped in and out of her harder than ever and her body devoured him. They came together, their cries smothered by their clasped lips. Trevor withdrew carefully, holding her against him until her legs stopped shaking. Then sky ignited behind them, through the large open windows and trevor drew her to the edge of the balcony.

She liked to keep her nights private but something about this day this night she wanted to scream it to the heavens.

"Watch," he said. On the dark horizon, the sun was fading a beam of light shot into the sky, disappearing into a glimmering then enchanting darkness.

Alison watched in awe. She had seen the sunset 1 million times, but there was some thing about being connected with him in this moment that made everything all the more beautiful 

"It's beautiful," she said. It was magic. Alison found herself smiling, and when she looked at trevor, he was staring at her. "What?" she asked.

"Let me worship you," he requested. His request felt sinful and devious, and she reveled in it.

She answered, "Yes."

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