26. Better Than Revenge

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"You have been at the piano for hours." Trevor remarked.

"Yes." Alison agreed. She made a note on the sheet music before her. She played a few more keys.

" love song? From what I heard you singing it didn't sound too Love you so much my wonderful boyfriend and more gonna rip your head off.." he mused.

" no it is a rip your head off song." she agreed

" is this your way of saying we've been spending too much time together and you need your space? Because just let me know if that's the case.."

" it's not you." she assured.

" no? That's good to hear because I like all the time we're spending together." Trevor answered smiling into her.

"Joe. I can't stand that man I don't know what I ever saw honestly now looking back on it it was all lies."

" one of Amelia's favorite songs today it is still a song, but I know it was a love song for who shall not be named." Trevor remarked. " so although it was a bad time looking back and I'm so glad things ended. Let me tell you so glad things ended. We learned from our past."

" that we do, which is why I'm writing a rip your head off song because I'm so sick of him think you can get under my skin. He can't get under my skin if I don't let him."

" do you like me under your skin though?" Trevor pondered, smiling as he wrapped his arms around her.

" oh yes, I love you under my skin and in my head and in my bed." Alison agreed.

" and I love you in my sheets in the morning." Trevor added. " and then my shirt and in my jersey and an absolutely nothing at all." Alison smiled leaning into his touch.

" OK stop distracting me!" she said, leaning back " I have an idea in my head and I need to get it out before I lose my mind. Do you know when you have a football play in your head that you need to work out and get down correctly  like a pass or a catch it is stuck in your brain until you get it right?"

"Yes." he agreed.

" well that's what it's like with this song in particular I need to get it out of my head so I can get him out of my head and want us released into the world. Well I hope everyone sees what I see and they stop shipping us together because I want to bash his head in." Alison decided. Trevor laughed.  " I don't like him. I don't think I'll ever like him again I can't be friends with my exes. That's just a rediculous idea. But I will get over it once I finish this song so as I was saying Mr. handsome distraction, please take three steps away so I can finish this."

" yes, ma'am." he agreed, lifting his hands up and taking three steps back. The cats meowed at his feet, knowing this was their time for all the snuggles. Well, their mother was busy at work.

"Alison Short dropped a new single! She never drops singles!" Laena declared.

"Except for when she does." Margaeru countered. "Like at the end of her tour when she did an impromptu sneak peak of a new song and then days later bam! Trevor Baker love song out into the world. Sorry go on Laena!"

"We have been listening to it on reply and y'all its fire!"

"It's about Joe." Margaery deduced.

"And let me tell you, its better than revenge."

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