22. You are In Love

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It was love. It wasnt just a physical attraction it was all of her. It was how well Alison got along with his family, how her friends roasted him and yet still assured Alison that they loved Trevor just had to make sure he was man enough to handle the pressure. 

Trevor loved that her three cats made him a cat person. Something he never thought he would be but they loved making biscuits into his thigh as they watched a movie on the television, while they read a book in bed. He found their purr as soothing as Alisons laugh when she had a few too many drinks and was happily buzzed. 

Trevor smiled as Alison tipped back on the bed giggling out. Her arms and legs extended up to the ceiling as she giggled out, mumbled words he couldnt understand. he pulled off her heels and she was grateful that kind gesture before another step in those would be futile. 

"I dont think I say it enough," Trevor remarked as he handed her some water. She smiled, still that happy, silly smile on her lips. She wasnt drunk, she knew how to contain and control herself, but they were celebrating a friends birthday and a few shots too many got her in a fit of giggles. ALison smiled leaning into him. 

"Yessss?" She questioned. 

"I love tipsy you." Trevor remarked. Alison slapped his chest playfully. 

"You dont say it enough because I'm not tipsy often!" Alison declared flopping back into the bed. He lay beside her kissing her cheek. 

"I'm going to give the cats a bed time snack." Trevor whispered. ALison got up staring at him as he left. She loved that he knew they needed snacks before bed or else they beat each other up pretending they there were starving. She loved that he knew this about her. Loved that her friends couldnt stop saying how perfect he was for her. Loved that his eyes were on her all night. 

Alison used to think she was addicted. Shoulda listened to her friends because she was always falling for a dickhead. Again, again, again. She was unintentionally addicted. It seemed like the shit just never ended, because all the dickheads of her past taught her many things, again, again, again, that she never wanted to learn again. 

But Trevor, he was not a dickhead. He was perfect. She was in love, it was different from other loves and she knew it too. 


Trevor found Alison soaking her eyes closed and head tipped back against the edge of the tub. His hands wrapped around her wet body pulling and teasing at her skin, warm under the water.

"This is not without difficulty, I'll have you know," Trevor told her as he watched Alison step out of the tub her body dripping onto the floor. Her entire body elongates, the delicate curves of her body accentuated.

"What's that?" she questioned innocently.

"You know exactly what I mean," Trevor told her.

"Pretend I don't." She laughed.

"I mean watching you, naked and wet, is making it difficult to concentrate," he told her, half-growling as she leaned up to him, leaning to kiss her, nibbling her bottom lip. A whimper escaped her as she exhaled. She heard his own ragged breathing against her cheek, his body rigid against her.

"Fuck," he mumbled. And she couldn't agree more. He felt so fucking good. He pulled back, holding himself above her as he began to slide out and back in. she wrapped her legs around his back, pulling him down into her. Trevors fingertip glided over her jawline, and then tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. His eyes are fixed on hers, a look of passion in his stormy gaze.

"You feel amazing," he groaned, as his pace quickens. She couldnt even respond with words, her breath hitching in her chest, moans stacking up. Her fingers grip the muscles of his back, as she leaned up, capturing his mouth with hers.

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