11. Amelia's Version

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Wildflowers / Gregor Clegane out now!

"Okay got my drink got my popped corn have they showed taylor yet?" Laena questioned. 

"Shes not even at the game." Margaery corrected. Laena picked up the remote.

"Then why are we even watching?" She clicked it off.

"I kind of like the violence to it." Margaery admitted. 

"So Alison Short really put you on the map, brother."  Jeremy remarked. 

"Seems so," Trevor agreed. 

"I can't go through TikTok, twitter, Instagram, none of the things without seeing your handsome mug in an ad or people reliving your life, pretending they are a part of it." Jeremy added. 

"I can't control what the people like." Trevor countered. 

"So really how is it going?" 

"Great. I really like her." Trevor agreed. 

"Amelia is ready to start calling Alison, auntie Alison." Jeremy informed him. 

"I think Alison would be okay with that." Trevor admitted. 

"I recall Amelia saying... No Alison tomorrow?" Jeremy questioned. 

"Yeah, no alison, shes up in the air right now, heading to Maine, then new york and making her way back down." Jeremy saw the sadness in her brothers eyes. 

"Hey, arent you playing against Pennsylvania, Steelers next week?" 

"Yeah it will line up." Trevor agreed. "Got a few dates that will match up, she already checked the schedule but you know she has a life outside of following me around game to game." 

"What other life is there for a mega star besides following you to games?" Jeremy mused. 

"Right? Knock some sense into her." Trevor laughed out. 

"So tell me, hows the sex?" 

"A man never kisses and tells." Trevor countered. "Also, we havent." 

"What? Mister bang 'em and leave 'em? You went on how many dates and you are taking it slow?" Jeremy chuckled leaning back. "Has Alison short tamed you?" 

"She is a role model for girls everywhere as your wife reminded me." Trevor agreed. "And she has to be careful, I'm a patient man." 

"Since when?" Jeremy cackled out. 

"Since right now. I like her," Trevor declared giving his little brother a shove. 

"When we are all in the same state again you will have to have her over for dinner, Betty will cook, you know she loves to entertain." Jeremy added. 

"If Alison hasnt grown bored of me we will definitely get together." Trevor agreed. "Now give it to me." 

"What?" Jeremy countered. 

"Whatever AMelia instructed you to say." Trevor added. "I have to get out there, practice is important." 

"Oh, yes, I knew I was forgetting something," He pat down his jacket. "Amelia would have murdered me, that little bundle is terrifying when upset." 

"Thats why I try to stay on her good side." Trevor agreed. "Oh she wrote me a note."

"I think its Amelia's version of a game plan." Jeremy agreed. "For your love life.... since she has little confidence in you and your ability to woe." Jeremy cackled out. 

"Fuck off." Trevor decided giving him a shove. "Arent you supposed to be in Wisconsin?"

"ERRR!" Jeremy made a buzzy sound. "Michigan. I'm headed that way, got a game tomorrow- also I'm offended that my daughter comes to your games more than mine now." 

"Yeah well get used to it." Trevor agreed. "I'm the favorite." 

"You spoil her." Jeremy corrected. 

"Making me the favorite," Trevor agreed. 

"Have you talked to dad?" 

"Mom loves Alison." Trevor countered. 

"Dad had some words." Jeremy offered vaguely. 

"I'm sure he did." Trevor agreed.  

"Amelia blurted it out at dinner after the concert, I figured he called you and gave you the dont screw up your career for a pop star talk he shouted back at me over the table." 

"He did, but I sent him to voice mail." Trevor agreed. 

"He did an interview apparently, I havent watched it but people keep tagging me in it like I havent heard him complain about football not being the top priority in our lives." Jeremy offered with a shrug. "Anyways, good luck tomorrow." 

"You too." Trevor agreed he pulled out his phone well now he had to know what his father was saying.  It wasnt hard to find it was circulating the internet. 

"My reaction was this is exactly what was going to happen." Trevors father, Bart remarked in the interview. Bart wasn't happy about the relationship, Alison short took away from the game. She seemed like a nice girl and trevor certainly liked her but watching the game he wanted to watch the game not Alison Shorts face pop up every ten seconds on the big screen. Sure Alison didnt ask for the attention but she was getting it. 

  "Shes gonna go to the game and the whole world is going to lose their god damned minds. And it was fun watching the whole world take it in I suppose, I like the attention my boy is getting, its well deserved but I'm more focused on my son and the game, and hashing it out with him." Bart went on. 

Trevor knew that his father would keep his blunt mouth to a minimum, knew that no matter what he thought of Alison, an amazing woman that bart had never met he would put on a smile because the world loved Alison and if Trevor got in an then Bart saw the possibilities, the future that light could provide but anywhere but on sunday game days.

"They had a brigade that they had to put up outside the suite that she was in," Bart went on. "It was crazy, you just hope that someone of her level and statue can enjoy the game, it seemed like she was enjoying it... but... Okay heres the deal-" 

Here we go, Trevor thought anxiously. 

"-The NFL needs to focus on the game and less on Alison short. She hasnt done a super bowl performance, she isnt up there singing and dancing for our guys, so she should get as much attention as the old wanker in the back row thats bitching at the referees the whole game." Bart declared.  "She's not hot stuff out here, the players are."

"Damnit dad." Trevor murmured. He hoped Alison wouldnt see or wouldnt care.  Trevor certainly thought Alison was hot stuff. 

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