The False Prophecy

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     The Boy Who Lived is a well-known tale. Because that's what it is, a tale. The boy who lived never actually survived Voldemort. He never existed in the first place. The boy known as 'Harry James Potter' is actually 'Hades Evan Snape.' A product of his mother's unfaithfulness and urge to cheat with one Severus Snape.

     James and Lily Potter married too early, in her humble opinion. At barely the age of 18, Lily and James were attending their wedding. James, ever the party animal, never truly gave up that lifestyle for Lily. Lily often found herself coming home to her husband sleeping with another man or woman in their bed. No matter how often she confronted him and threatened to leave, he refused to give up his lifestyle.

     Lily finally had enough. If he gets to sleep around, why shouldn't she? So, Lily went out and found the one person she should never have wronged. Severus Snape. Then began the long affair of one Lily Potter, which ended with the death of her and her husband.

     When Lily Potter fell pregnant, she knew, deep down, that the child was not her husband. However, she decided that James need not know this detail, and she let him believe the child was his. James, believing he was now a father, finally stopped seeing other people and partying. For the first time, Lily finally had a husband. However, it was too little too late, for Lily had already fallen out of love with James.

     Feeling guilty about cheating on James, Lily confesses to Dumbledore about the affair. Dumbledore, in his ever so bitter fear of people more powerful than him, thought back to a prophecy regarding dear Hades.

     "One with power much greater than the White King approaches... Born to those who have secretly betrayed him, born as the seventh month dies... and the White King will lie, sending the Dark Lord after the infant, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... the White King will die, for the infant will take his vengeance... The one with the power to vanquish the White King will be born as the seventh month dies.."

     Dumbledore, ever so overconfident in his abilities, proceeded to hatch a plan, ignoring all warnings in the prophecy. He sent Lily home with promises to keep them safe. He then made a fake prophecy.

     "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

     Snape, having heard of the prophecy, quickly told his master. Voldemort immediately hatched his plan, he was going to kill the Potter boy. You know the rest of this story. And Dumbledore still didn't know that Harry, who was Hades, was not James' son.

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