An Odd Gift

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December snow falls, dusting the castle turrets and blanketing the grounds. Hagrid is seen dragging a giant Christmas fir towards the castle, fang trotting by his side.

Nearly Headless Nick swoops about a towering Christmas tree, running garland over the limbs, while Peeves plucks ornaments from the branches, hurling them to the floor.

"Listen up! As the lake is frozen, all students going home for the holiday will take a flying sleigh to the departure platform. Earmuffs are strongly recommended." Professor McGonagall announces in the Great Hall.

Harry and Draco pay no attention to the students bustling about them, sitting alone by the window playing Wizards Chess. Unlike muggle chess, these figures are alive and presently, Harry's bishop looks cross.

"Don't send me there! Can't you see his Knight? Send him. We can afford to lose him." The bishop protests, pointing to a pawn, and Harry sheepishly complies.

"Queen to pawn six." Draco drawls, almost sounding bored, yawning. His queen steps forward and, with extreme prejudice, disposes of the pawn. Pansy and Blaise arrive just in time to witness the carnage.

"I've always thought that game was a bit too barbaric.." Pansy mumbles as she sets down a huge trunk. Draco only shrugs before the trio bids Harry farewell and heads off to Hogsmeade station.


Harry awakes to a stack of packages at the foot of his bed. Harry rubs his eyes, gasping silently. 'I've got presents.'

Harry opens Hagrid's first, finding a wooden flute. As he blows it, Hedwig cocks her head, it sounds like an owl. He then picks up the next parcel, it's very light, and he reads the note attached.

'Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well.' Harry then tears the paper away, revealing something very shiny and translucent.

'Some kind of cloak?' Harry puts the cloak on, looking down and seeing that his body has vanished. "I'm invisible!" Harry quickly takes off the cloak and sets it aside as he looks at the rest of his presents. He's mildly shocked to see ones from Draco, Blaise, Pansy, and... Professor Snape..?

The present from Draco was a bundle of books telling the history of wizarding traditions from before muggle-borns were introduced. Blaise was gifted about wizarding customs from before muggle-borns became a part of the wizarding world. Blaise gifted him a pair of traditional wizarding dress robes, and Pansy gave him a pair of cufflinks enchanted to automatically grow or shrink as Harry grows.

Harry, while slightly hesitant because it's from his teacher, opens the present from Professor Snape. Inside is a set of vials, a sheet of odd paper, and a note. The note read, 'To know more about your family.'

On the back of the note, there were instructions for how to use the potions in the vials to learn more about his ancestry.

That night, Harry sits down in the empty common room and opens one of the dark arts books he brought to school with him.


The Great Hall looks deserted as the students who remain eat dinner. A gaggle of redheads chatter amongst themselves, laughing loudly from across the room at the Gryffindor table.

The youngest redhead, Ronald Weasley, looks over to the Slytherin table and sees Harry and a few Slytherin students eating breakfast. Ronald glares, Harry ignoring him before a small smirk crosses his face.

Harry gets up from the Slytherin table, smirking, as he leaves the great hall. He heads back to the Slytherin common room to grab his new possession, the invisibility cloak. He then begins to wander the halls, eventually coming across an old, dusty classroom.

When he enters the room, he sees a giant golden mirror tucked away in the back of the room, half-hidden by desks covered in white sheets. Harry sneezes as he moves some of the tables, getting a glance at the mirror.

Harry jumps, spinning around, and looking back at the mirror with a confused face. 'I just saw someone behind me...?' Harry looks into the mirror again, seeing a woman with bright red, curly hair. Harry looks behind him again, as if to confirm that the woman is only in the mirror, then back.

"M...Mom?" Harry wonders aloud, the woman in the mirror nodding. Harry begins to tear up slightly, moving closer to the mirror. He eventually sits on the floor, staring at the mirror till curfew.


Harry has, once again, tracked down the mirror. Lately, it's been in different rooms, as if someone is moving it. He's now found the mirror, with a fresh polish and clean glass, in a room close to the Great Hall.

As Harry sits down in front of the mirror, preparing to see his mother again, she doesn't appear. Harry instead sees a large red gem, the same one from Gringotts, get placed into his pocket by mirror Harry.

Harry reaches into his pocket, it now feeling heavy, and pulls out the exact gem. Confused and slightly scared, Harry throws his cloak over him and runs to the Slytherin common room. He'll talk to the others when they're back tomorrow, they might know about the odd mirror and the gemstone.

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