Dark Training

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The final weeks of term at Hogwarts passed in a blur for Hades. Between his studies and the endless whispers about Sirius Black's impending vindication, he barely had a moment to catch his breath.

Finally, the Leaving Feast arrived. Hades sat beside Draco, his closest friend, at the Slytherin table, scanning the staff table curiously. His father's usual scowl was firmly in place, but Hades thought he detected a tighter edge to it than normal. And Lupin - the werewolf seemed utterly distracted, his eyes constantly straying to the hall's entrance as if awaiting someone's arrival.

"What's got your wand in a knot, Dray?" Hades muttered to Draco, nodding at his friend's darkly furrowed brow.

Draco started, then shot Hades a look of exasperated affection. "Nothing, just...thinking about this summer."

Hades felt a pang of wistfulness. For him, returning to Malfoy Manor for the holidays meant refuge, safety, and access to critical training. But he knew Draco's situation was...complicated, to say the least.

Reaching over, Hades clasped his friend's shoulder firmly. "No matter what, you have me. We'll get through anything together."

A muscle ticked in Draco's jaw, but the blond inclined his head almost imperceptibly in thanks. Hades understood - on the surface, the haughty Malfoy heir couldn't appear ruffled. But he had let Hades's quiet words of solidarity pierce his prickly exterior.

The feast was just wrapping up when a commotion at the entrance made everyone turn. Two figures stood there, one much taller than the other. As they strode forward, gasps and murmurs rippled through the Great Hall.

It was Sirius Black - looking healthier than he had in years, his shaggy black hair trimmed neatly - accompanied by a tiny, wizened wizard Hades recognized as Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic.

Dumbledore rose to greet them, embracing Sirius warmly and shaking Fudge's hand. After a murmured exchange, Fudge cleared his throat and raised his voice to address the hall.

"Esteemed students and staff of Hogwarts," he began pompously. "I come before you today with remarkable news. After thorough examination of newly discovered evidence, the Wizengamot has officially exonerated Sirius Black."

A shocked buzzing filled the hall as Fudge paused for dramatic effect.

"Mr. Black was wrongly imprisoned in Azkaban for crimes he did not commit. His name has been cleared, and he is henceforth declared an innocent man."

Applause broke out, scattered at first but steadily growing louder, especially from the Gryffindor table. Sirius stood tall, raising a hand to quiet the noise. When the hall fell silent again, he spoke, his voice scratchy but full of unmistakable dignity.

"Thank you all. I have been deprived of many precious years that I can never regain. But your welcome gives me hope to begin making amends and rebuilding what was lost."

His gaze swept over the students, finally landing squarely on Hades. Those grey eyes bored into him, shining with a profound gratitude. Hades stiffened, giving the barest of nods in return.

As Sirius moved to join the staff table, exchanging grips and murmured words with Lupin, Hades felt Draco shift beside him.

"Hard to believe, isn't it?" the blond murmured under his breath. "That mangy mutt was innocent this whole time."

Hades grunted noncommittally, watching as Sirius settled in for the remainder of the feast, immediately falling into an intense discussion with Dumbledore himself.

"Let's just be glad it's over," he muttered back.

The next day, they boarded the Hogwarts Express to return to London. Hades and Draco claimed their usual private compartment, stretching out to get comfortable for the long journey. They chatted idly about their summer plans and other subjects that didn't involve classes or homework.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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