Sirius Black

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The oppressive heat of late summer hung like a leaden shroud over Malfoy Manor. Hades nursed a cup of tea on the veranda, his mind still swirling from the events of the past few days. His true lineage, his noble inheritances, his newfound place at the Dark Lord's was nearly too much to grasp all at once.

A sudden fluttering of wings shattered the drowsy afternoon calm. Hades looked up to see a tawny owl spiraling down toward him, a tightly furled scroll gripped in its talons. He extended his arm and the bird landed with a soft flutter, proffering its burden.

Slitting the wax seal with a practiced flick of his wand, Hades unrolled the parchment, dark brows furrowing as he scanned the looping script:

"My son,

Urgent news from Azkaban - Sirius Black has escaped from his cell and is now at large. The Dementors are in an absolute frenzy scouring the grounds, but there has been no sign of the madman since his cell was discovered empty during first light's inspection.

The Dark Lord is convening an emergency council to discuss response protocols and containment strategies. There are concerns Black may be trying to rejoin our ranks, or perhaps even launch a reckless attack against you before we can secure him.

Do not leave the safety of the Manor grounds until we can implement proper defenses and wards tuned specifically to Black's magical signature. I will return with a complete briefing as soon as the council has concluded.

Be vigilant.


Hades read through the letter twice more, an icy trickle of trepidation seeping down his spine. He knew of Sirius Black, of course - the infamous Death Eater responsible for betraying the Potters to the Dark Lord and murdering a dozen Muggles in the aftermath. Dumbledore's most vaunted soldier captured, tried, and summarily imprisoned in the dread fortress of Azkaban over a decade ago.

That such a hardened killer and devoted supporter of the old man could now be hunting Hades sent an involuntary shiver through him. Had Sirius Black finally cracked from his long isolation and torture at the hands of the Dementors? Did he seek to somehow avenge the Potters' demise by eliminating their son? The thought made Hades' hand instinctively drop to the reassuring weight of his wand.

But even as the danger sank in, Hades could not help feeling a pang of concern at the thought of his father attending that "emergency council." He knew full well the Dark Lord tended to mete out harsh punishments for even minor failures or lapses in judgment on the part of his Death Eaters. Hades found himself silently praying to the Ancient Ones that Severus would not bear the brunt of the Dark Lord's wrath over this security breach.

With a shuddering exhalation, Hades shook himself from his brooding and drained his teacup. The sooner he could distract himself from dwelling on this disquieting news, the better his mental state would be. Almost as if by divine providence, the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps came clattering from the manor.

"Hades! There you are!"

Draco Malfoy came skidding around the side of the courtyard, his pale face flushed and eyes glittering with manic excitement. The two had rapidly solidified an unbreakable bond over the past few weeks, now that Hades' transition to the noble house of his birth had been completed. He grinned despite himself at his best friend's infectious enthusiasm.

"Dray, what's got your wand in a knot?"

"Are you daft?" Draco looked at him as though he'd just professed his undying love for Dumbledore. "It's nearly time to depart for the Hogwarts Express! Father sent me to collect you - we simply MUST stop in Diagon Alley for some last-minute school supplies and new dress robes." He waved an imperious hand as if swatting aside all other concerns. "Now come along!"

Disquieted thoughts of Sirius Black were banished to the back of Hades' mind as he allowed himself to be swept up in Draco's aristocratic flurry of activity. Soon enough they were descending through the emerald green flames of the Manor's massive floo into the raucous organized chaos of Diagon Alley.

For the next few hours, the two young wizards immersed themselves in the sheer unbridled delight of preparing for the coming school year. Their money bags seemed to possess an unending amount of clinking galleons as they indulged in new black-trimmed robes, eagle feather quills, bubbling colored inks and even treated themselves to personalized Quidditch gear and Nimbus 2000 racing brooms in their houses' colors.

At last, their shopping completed, Hades and Draco made their way to the Leaky Cauldron for a final round of frothy butterbeers before catching the Ministry transport to King's Cross Station. As they settled into a secluded back booth, they were soon joined by Draco's hulking and slow-witted bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle.

"To another year of Slytherin supremacy at Hogwarts!" Draco lifted his glass in a dramatic salute, that familiar raptor-like grin twisting his aristocratic features.

Hades felt a rush of warmth spread through him at being surrounded by his newfound allies and brothers in the sacred noble fold. This truly was where he belonged. He clicked his goblet against Draco's and the others, mirroring the blonde's smirk.

"Indeed, my friend. The old ways will finally be restored, starting with the downfall of that meddlesome muggle-loving fool, Dumbledore!"

A raucous round of cheers went up from their booth, heedless of the scandalized looks from other pub patrons at their bold proclamations. Hades could scarcely wait to set foot once more on the hallowed grounds of the ancestral castle that would forge him and his friends into the new elite order of wizardkind.

The only cloud marring the afternoon's revelry hung in the back of Hades' mind, that inescapable sense of dread over the unresolved threat posed by Sirius Black...

Soon enough, the time came to gather their belongings and travel cloaks before departing for the hidden entrance to the King's Cross-platform. Hades lingered on the periphery, watching as the well-wishers and families embraced before sending their young charges off for another year at school. His own farewells consisted only of Draco clapping him firmly on the shoulder and a terse nod from Lucius Malfoy standing guard over the proceedings.

Once they had all gathered, the elder Malfoy patriarch directed them into a secluded alcove with a negligent wave of his snake-headed staff. Seconds later, the compressing darkness enveloped them, the only sounds were the muffled shrieks and gasps from the other students as they were side-along apparated directly onto the concealed platform.

As Hades regained his bearings, the gleaming scarlet visage of the Hogwarts Express towering before him, he felt a renewed sense of keen anticipation thrill through his core despite the lingering threat of Sirius Black. This would be the year he claimed his rightful legacy and set the wheels of destiny into their inexorable motion toward a new world order for wizardkind.

The Potter lineage may have belonged to the light, but the scion of Prince and Snape would finally help usher in an era of long overdue darkness!

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