Another Journey!

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The end of the year party was a very happy time. The Great Hall was decorated in green and silver to celebrate Slytherin winning the House Cup. Harry and his friends were praised as heroes for what they did, even though no one knew all the details, to stop Voldemort's evil plans.

As the students ate the delicious feast, Headmaster Dumbledore stood up to speak to them all. "What a year it has been at Hogwarts! Yes, recent events showed there are still forces that want to disrupt the peace here. Which is why the staff and I saw how some students displayed extraordinary bravery, loyalty and courage in defending the school from darkness."

Students whispered, trying to figure out what Dumbledore meant. The truth about Professor Quirrell being possessed by Voldemort was being kept secret.

Dumbledore continued happily, "For gaining so much knowledge and dedication beyond what we expected from first-years...I award two hundred points each to Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini."

Everyone went silent in shock for a moment, then the Slytherin table erupted in cheers and clapping. Eight hundred points was unheard of - more than enough to beat Ravenclaw and win the House Cup. Older Slytherins lifted Harry and his friends onto their shoulders, wildly celebrating. Harry couldn't stop grinning, feeling the warmth and joy of his house approving.

After the noise calmed down, Dumbledore cheerfully said, "Which means we need to redecorate in here!" With a wave of his wand, green and silver banners unfurled proudly around the hall.

The Slytherin celebrations went on late into the night in the common room party. For once, even the prefects joined in on the rowdy cheering and passing around the House Cup trophy.

Harry had never felt such pure happiness. After the darkness and terror of facing Voldemort, sharing this joyful moment with his housemates made everything worth it. Tonight they were all united as Slytherins.

Too soon, it was time for emotional goodbyes. After hauling their huge trunks onto the Hogwarts Express, Harry lingered on the platform, not ready to leave yet.

Draco approached first, giving Harry a fierce hug. "Take care this summer, Potter. If those Muggle relatives give you trouble..."

"I'll be fine," Harry assured him, understanding their lives were now tied together after facing Voldemort.

Pansy threw her arms around Harry next, trying to hide her tears. "Don't be a stranger, okay? Write us as soon as you can."

"I promise," Harry said, giving her a comforting hug.

Finally, it was Blaise's turn. He firmly shook Harry's hand. "We're with you until the end, mate. Whatever happens next."

Harry could only nod, his throat tight. They were just eleven but had already lost their innocence to the coming war with Voldemort's return.

When the whistle blew, Harry steeled himself and walked through the barrier back to the Muggle world. The Dursleys were waiting nearby, sour looks on their faces at the strange happenings.

As Harry approached, Aunt Petunia recoiled in disgust. "Is this more of that freakish nonsense from that dreadful place?"

"I'm home for the summer," Harry replied flatly.

Uncle Vernon puffed out his chest aggressively. "Maybe we can finally beat some sense into you about this magic business."

He tried to grab Harry's trunk but let out a high-pitched scream. He thrashed around wildly, finally freeing his burned, blistered hands from the trunk handle.

Harry stared calmly as the Sorcerer's Stone glowed white-hot inside the trunk, activating its protection from Muggle touch.

Looking outraged, Vernon seemed to decide not to question Harry further. He rushed back to the parking lot, Petunia and Dudley following.

"We'll deal with your freakish ways at home!" Petunia shrieked over her shoulder.

But Harry didn't feel worried. With the powerful Sorcerer's Stone still miraculously in his possession, he felt a sense of relief and responsibility. As long as he could keep the legendary artifact carefully hidden and protected, it would remain safely guarded from falling into the wrong hands.

As the Dursley car drove away, Harry gripped his trunk handle tightly and took a resolute breath. One year at Hogwarts had thrust him into extraordinary circumstances. His new calling - to be the secret keeper of the Sorcerer's Stone in order to prevent its miraculous powers from being exploited by Voldemort or anyone else - was only just beginning. He had no intentions of attempting to unleash or control the Stone's abilities himself. Nor did he plan to directly confront Voldemort again. For now, Harry's sole purpose was to keep the invaluable artifact out of harm's way, no matter what challenges the Muggle or wizarding world threw at him in the days and years ahead.

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