Off to Hogwarts!

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Harry and Hagrid, who was carrying Harry's heavy trunk and a snowy owl, stand outside the train station. It's still early dawn so the sky is filled with purples and reds. Hagrid checks his watch and suddenly looks urgent.

"Blimey, look at the time! 'Fraid I 'ave ter be leavin' yeh now, Harry. Dumbledore will be wantin'-" Hagrid pats his left pocket as he cuts himself off. "He'll be wanton' ter see me. That there's yer train, should be leavin' in about ten minutes. Jus' make sure yeh stick ter yeh ticket. That's very important Harry."

Hagrid hands Harry a ticket before disappearing from Harry's view. "There must be a mistake, Hagrid. This says platform nine and three-quarters. There's no such thing..." Harry looks up to see that Hagrid is gone. "Is there..?"

'Great. Just great! He left me here, with no idea how to get to the platform, alone! Great oaf...' Harry storms through King's Cross, searching for the platform, he comes to a sliding halt as he sees a station officer.

"Excuse me! Can you point me towards platform nine and three-quarters?"

"Think you're funny, do you? Nine and three-quarters.." the station officer grumbles, glaring at Harry before walking away. Anger crosses Harry's face before he sees a plump woman hurrying around with four red-headed boys and a little, red-headed girl. The boys have trunks identical to Harry's.

"All right, Percy. You first." The woman says to the oldest-looking boy. Harry then watches the boy walk straight toward a dividing barrier and... vanish. Harry looks around in confusion as the woman turns to the twin red-heads. Harry tunes out what they're saying to instead focus on them passing through the barrier.

One of the twins dashed through the barrier, quickly followed by the other."Excuse me... Could you tell me-" The woman cuts Harry off.

"How to get onto the platform? Not to worry dear, It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well." Harry looks at the last red-headed boy. He's tall and gangly, and his hair is an eyesore.

"All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between Platforms Nine and Ten. Focus... but don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it either. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." Harry looks at the wall, shrugs, and sprints at full speed towards the barrier. He closes his eyes and... slows to a halt on a platform bustling with people.

The sign above reads 'HOGWARTS EXPRESS.' Below the sign is a scarlet steam engine. Harry struggles with his heavy trunk as people say goodbye to their families.

"Want a hand?" One of the red-headed twins asks Harry after they see him struggling.

"Yes please" Harry takes a step back as the twin turns and yells.

"Oy! C'mere, Fred! Take a handle."

The twins heave Harry's trunk atop other, similar trunks while Harry sets Hedwig with the other owls. Harry wipes his forehead on his shirt, revealing his scar. "Thank you very much."

"Blimey. You're..." One of the twins starts.

"Harry Potter." The other finishes.

"What? Oh, him. Yes. I mean, I am." Harry internally face-palms at his response. 'That was a bad first impression...' The twins take one last look at Harry before running off to their mom as she calls for them. Harry then gets on the train and begins to look for an empty compartment.

Harry enters an empty compartment, sitting down and peering out the window. The train begins to move out of the station, Harry watching as the life he's known drifts away. The train whips past fields and small country lanes.

Harry sits quietly until the compartment door slides open. The youngest red-headed boy, Ron, stands there and hesitates as he sees Harry.

"Mind? Everywhere else is full..."

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