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Hades gritted his teeth, willing himself to push through the pain radiating from his injured arm. He and his Slytherin friends - Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle - had Pettigrew trapped, but they needed to get him to Severus Snape quickly.

"Crabbe, Goyle, grab him," Hades growled, nodding towards the quivering form of Pettigrew cowering in the corner. The two larger boys moved forward and seized Pettigrew roughly by the arms.

"You're coming with us, rat," Draco spat, his face twisted with disgust.

They half-marched, half-dragged Pettigrew through the corridors, Hades wincing with every jarring step. Finally, they reached the door to Snape's office and Hades pounded on it urgently.

The door swung open to reveal Severus Snape, Hades' father, his black eyes narrowing at the sight before him.

"Explain," he said in a low, dangerous voice.

"It's Pettigrew, father," Hades gasped out. "The servant who betrayed the Potters, the one everyone thought was dead. It's him."

Snape's eyes widened fractionally before his jaw set in a hard line. "Bring him in."

They shoved Pettigrew into the office, binding him securely to a chair with magical ropes.

"Stay with him," Snape ordered Crabbe and Goyle. "I need to retrieve the Headmaster immediately. Draco, Hades, with me."

As they exited the office, a voice called out from behind them. "Severus? What's going on here?"

Remus Lupin was approaching, looking apprehensive. His eyes fell upon Hades and narrowed slightly.

"Mind your business, Lupin," Snape said curtly.

But Lupin had noticed Hades' injured arm and look of pain. "What happened?" he asked, concern creeping into his voice despite his apparent dislike for Hades.

Snape opened his mouth to rebuff him again, but Hades cut him off. "It's alright, father. Professor Lupin should know."

Hades quickly explained about Pettigrew being alive and their efforts to capture him. Lupin's expression shifted through several emotions - shock, disbelief, anger.

"Pettigrew?" he growled. "Pettigrew is alive? After he..." Lupin trailed off, fists clenching.

Snape's lip curled. "After he betrayed your precious Potter friends and caused the Dark Lord's downfall? Yes, it seems so."

Lupin took a deep breath to steady himself. "And Sirius?" His eyes bored into Snape's. "All these years, we thought he betrayed them, but if Pettigrew is alive..."

Understanding dawned on Snape's face and his sneer deepened. "Ahh yes, because we all know Black could never do any wrong in your eyes."

"This is bigger than your petty grudges, Severus!" Lupin nearly shouted. "If Pettigrew is alive, if he was the Secret Keeper, then Sirius...Sirius is innocent."

An uncomfortable silence stretched between them. Draco shifted nervously, glancing between the three wizards.

Finally, Snape spoke, his voice low and controlled. "The Headmaster will sort this out. I'm going to retrieve him now. You-" he jabbed a finger at Lupin "-will watch Pettigrew and ensure he doesn't escape."

Lupin nodded curtly and they re-entered the office. Crabbe and Goyle looked unsure but stood aside to allow Lupin to take over guarding Pettigrew at Snape's nod.

Hades moved to follow his father and Draco, but Lupin put a hand on his uninjured arm. "You should have Madam Pomfrey look at that," he said, nodding at Hades' wound.

"I'm fine," Hades said through gritted teeth. "This is more important."

Lupin's eyes studied him appraisingly for a moment before he gave a slow nod of acceptance. They rejoined the others in silence, all eyes focused on the pitiful form of Pettigrew.

So many years of lies and deception were about to be laid bare. Hades felt a surge of vicious satisfaction - this was the man responsible for so much pain and heartbreak.

The Fall of Dumbledore: The White KingWhere stories live. Discover now