Malfoy Manor

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Harry clung to his best friend Draco's arm excitedly as the skeletal black thestral descended towards the wrought-iron gates of Malfoy Manor. He could scarcely believe Draco had come to rescue him from the dreadful Dursleys at Privet Drive this summer.

The winged horse's hooves touched down on the immaculate gravel drive. The two boys nimbly slid off its back, grinning at each other.

"Wicked, having you here, mate!" Draco said happily, steadying Harry. "Need a hand with your trunk?"

"I've got it, thanks," Harry replied, smiling back at his friend.

With a snort, the thestral reared and dissolved into swirling black smoke on the night breeze. Draco led the way up the manor's stone steps to the large oak doors, which swung open untouched as they approached.

Harry gaped around the dimly lit entrance hall. It was larger than the entire Dursley house, with a magnificent curved staircase facing them. The banister was intricately carved into the shape of a leering dragon.

"Mother! Father! I've brought Harry to stay!" Draco called out cheerfully.

From a side chamber emerged a tall, elegant woman with an appraising but not unkind expression. Narcissa Malfoy swept forward, her voice warm.

"Draco, darling. And Mr. Potter, how delightful to have you as our guest." She turned her bright smile to Harry. "We're happy to host you here as long as you'd like this summer."

A moment later, Lucius Malfoy joined them in a billowing cloak of deep green. His manner was cordial but quite formal as he inclined his head.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance again, Mr. Potter. Draco has told us so much about his dear friend." His cool eyes studied Harry appraisingly. "You must both feel quite at home here."

"Thank you, sir," Harry replied politely, silently relieved to finally be away from the Dursleys and with his best mate.

With a subtle wave of her wand, Narcissa sent Harry's battered trunk drifting up the stairs ahead of them.

"Right this way, Harry!" Draco said, looping an arm around his friend's shoulders. "You'll love our private library."

They made their way down a hushed corridor lined with haunting portraits and display cases of ancient artifacts. In the end, Draco pushed open a set of heavy oak doors, revealing an enormous vaulted library.

Shelf after shelf of leather-bound books stretched from the marble floor to the arched stone ceiling high overhead. Harry's jaw dropped in amazement as Draco grinned proudly.

"Brilliant, isn't it? This is the Malfoy collection - the most extensive private library in Britain on magic, history, and wizarding heritage."

Draco strode over to the nearest shelf and ran a hand lovingly along the titles. With a flourish, he selected a dust-covered tome and presented it to Harry.

"Look here - this traces my entire bloodline through history! My ancestor Brutus Malfoy was Minister of Magic back in the 1300s. Dead brilliant, him."

As Draco happily recounted the highlights of his family lineage, Harry opened the thick volume with care. The ancient pages seemed to shimmer with hidden knowledge waiting to be unlocked.

"And of course, there's information on the most powerful dark wizard of the age - the one who gave you that scar," Draco said in a lower voice.

Harry felt a shiver run down his spine as he turned the crackling pages to an iron wood-cut illustration of a skeletal figure surrounded by slithering snakes.

"You mean... Voldemort?" he whispered, almost automatically looking over his shoulder.

"Don't say that name!" Draco hissed reflexively, then lowered his voice again. "But yes, Harry - my father has books on the Dark Lord's most secret arts. He'll share them with us, teach us things even Dumbledore doesn't know..."

His voice trailed off at the sound of approaching footsteps. Lucius Malfoy appeared in the library doorway, his face an inscrutable mask.

"Draco, Mr. Potter," he said with a courteous nod. "I trust you are both finding the collection satisfactory?"

Harry felt pinned by the man's piercing gaze, gripping the book tightly. He nodded quickly.

"Yes sir, it's... incredible."

A thin smile played across Lucius' lips as his eyes flickered to the volume in Harry's hands.

"Excellent. There is much ancient wisdom contained in these shelves, if one has the..." His pause hung heavily in the air. "...proper guidance. Which I aim to provide."

Harry's heart beat a little faster, but Draco just grinned eagerly.

"We're ready to learn, Father. Teach us everything."

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