Fate And Feathers

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Despite the ever-present turbulence surrounding Sirius Black's brazen

incursion into Hogwarts, the professors were determined to maintain as

much outward normalcy as possible. Classes carried on with only minor

accommodations for increased security protocols.

Which was why, on a blustery Friday morning in early December, Hades

found himself trudging across the frost-rimed grounds toward the edge

of the Forbidden Forest. Icy mud squelched beneath his dragonhide boots

as Draco fell into step beside him, platinum hair whipping in the

biting wind.

"This had better be brief," his friend groused, hunching deeper into his

emerald and silver scarf. "The half-breed surely can't have planned

anything too strenuous in this miserable slog."

Hades arched an eyebrow at the unexpected vitriol but remained silent.

He knew how deeply Draco's Pureblood elitism ran, and the prospect of

enduring lessons from the inexplicably hirsute Rubeus Hagrid did little

to mask his disdain. Still, unease gnawed at Hades' gut the closer they

trekked toward the looming tree line.

Ever since Sirius Black's infiltration of Hogwarts, the young Slytherin

had been plagued by disjointed nightmares and fleeting visions bleeding

over from his waking consciousness at random intervals. Fractured images

of emerald flames, silhouetted duels, and glyphs scorched into his

psyche like thermal branding...

The closer they drew to the Forbidden Forest's primordial depths, the

clearer and more intense the phantasms seemed to become. Just then, a

sharp whistle rents the icy air as a massive shape soared overhead,

blotting out the grayish clouds with leathery wings wider than a barn's


Several Gryffindor girls shrieked in terror as the hippogriff banked in

a tight spiral, its razor-edged talons glinting like obsidian scythes.

Draco stiffened beside Hades, his pale eyes tracking the predator's

descent toward the ground where Hagrid waited, a bemused grin

spreading across his ruddy features.

"We'll be workin' wit' th' hippogriffs today!" The half-giant's booming

voice echoed even through the whipping winds. "Now, who can tell me a

bit about these magnificent beasties?"

A Ravenclaw student's hand shot skyward instantly, practically trembling

with scholastic intensity. "Hippogriffs are a magical cross between

giant eagles and horses, synonymous in many ancient cultures with

harbingers of fate! Their hunting peregrinations span the remote

northern wilds and -"

"Tha's enough, tha's enough," Hagrid halted her know-it-all torrent

with a dismissive wave. He turned to the hesitant cluster of third-years arrayed in a loose semicircle around him.

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