Then Comes the End

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Then came Monday, and the time to return the book from the campus library came. "Thank you for allowing me to borrow the book. It was worthwhile to read something different from what I usually read. But I have one question. Does this library have the second part?" Leah inquired. "No. And we never intend to keep the second part in this library. The second part is the darkest book that even well-known scholars dare not read. It talks about a different energy source and the craziest things humans can use their minds and souls to achieve. Leah, if you come across that book, it's not that you can't read the book, but don't go astray after reading it. I had an old friend who read this book, after which he went insane. Be careful." The librarian cautioned Leah.

The first book wasn't that bad. How bad could the second part be? Leah was to find out. Leah walked into the class and took the seat where she sat previously. Leo was sitting near the window and looked at her with anger. Anyone could notice his face red with rage and the embarrassment he had to endure. His father had reprimanded him harshly, and the principal's words directed at him were rubbing salt in his wounds. He turned his head away and sat quietly. The lessons passed, and Leah longed to go home and read the book.  She glimpsed at the first page, which had a phrase in Latin, 'Anima obscurata est anima infinita.' which meant a darkened soul is an infinite soul. Perhaps that's what answers she was searching for. If a darkened soul meant infinity to the soul, then maybe her soul needed to be darkened so that its wishes would live forever. Or, maybe her heart just wanted to know what the book was about.

Leah returned home after her classes. She freshened up and completed all the homework and research work she had to finish. Then, she took the book and opened it to chapter one. She expected similar symbols in the first chapter, like in the first book, but there weren't. In its place, there was a handwritten title. It was only then that she realised the book was old. The texture of the paper wasn't the quality of modern days. The paper material seemed off. It looked like your average paper. But it had a floral scent lingering around it. There also be some pungent smell of spices on it. Leah was confused about why a library book would have such a smell on it. However, she paid no attention to it and brushed the thought away. The first chapter of the book began. 

'The Last Dance', That was the title of the chapter. And so, Leah became engulfed in the book. Suddenly, she came across a page with a letter in it. Leah pondered why there would be a letter in the book. It was something that wasn't normal. Leah began to read the letter. 

"The one who reads this, I hope you can submit yourself to what you crave the most. Life is not just about what we do. It's about what we will do. It's about the mistakes we make. They say we're only human. What if I told you there's a way not to be human? The last reader of this book was said to have gone insane. This was because he wanted to let the secrets out to the world. As long as you don't harbour ill will towards the dark, all that lies within the shadows will stand beside you. I don't expect you to believe my words, but I hope you can change yourself, Leah. The book told me you would be the next reader. When the time comes, I will reveal myself to you. I hope you're stronger by then. I hope you have the power to exact vengeance on those who have wronged you. 

Leah, you're a child that no longer belongs to the light. You've already given a part of your soul to the dark. So, don't fear. I called you to give in that day. I'm the voice that calls you. I'm the one true queen of the dark. It's my call that makes people choose. Most choose to endure, but few choose to conquer. I'm aware you will be afraid of what's to come in the future. But trust that if you give into the dark, you'll be able to break others and help the ones you love through eternity. Also, that book is for you. You don't need to give it back to the library. It's yours to keep. I've altered their memories of the book. Of course, that depends on your choice. So tell me, do you want to endure or give in to the dark? You're just a few steps away. The first chapter was the foundation. The next chapter starts with the actual dark arts. I hope you choose what you wish for." 

The moment she finished reading the letter, the message turned to dust and disappeared from her hands. "Give in to the dark completely. That's my choice. I'm tired of enduring. I'm tired of being the broken one. I'm not afraid of the dark arts. Since this is my choice, I'll never back down. As for the secrets enclosed within this book, I'll never reveal them. That's a promise." Leah said. Leah began reading the second chapter. Leah continued reading till daybreak. "The darkness is the most peaceful and beautiful thing in the world," Leah said. With that, Leah said, "The dark arts, whom should I test them on? It'd be interesting to see. Would the end of those days be near? I don't think so. Only when I can overlook the entire world from my seat, only then comes the end of those days of madness and insanity. The book of dark arts, give my thanks to your author on my behalf. I've enjoyed reading you. However, I have some things to take care of. But if people who read this book were called witches, that'd be an understatement. The people who read this book were humans who gave in to their darkness. So why were they killed by being called witches? Isn't it funny?"

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