Seen a Ghost?

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"Hahahaha... I can't stop laughing. Leah, did you see the look on her face? She was acting as if she would pass out from shock any second. Hahahaha. Oh my God! Hahaha, this is so funny. And the slap you gave her was like the cherry on top of the cake. Where did this boldness come from? I must say, you looked majestic as your hand landed on her fake face." Sean continued laughing until tears formed in his eyes. "It was funny indeed. But it's not so hilarious that I would become unstable on my feet and feel like I'm about to collapse laughing. Stop laughing, or you'll look like a fool. Besides, if you want her to keep sitting on the ground, we should not draw attention towards ourselves. And we're doing the exact opposite right now." Leah looked firm when she said that. It wasn't because she didn't want Sean to laugh. It was because she wished the power of darkness to befall Emilia and ruin her.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop now. Leah, why don't you tell me what other secrets are hidden behind those emerald eyes?" Sean's curiosity had only grown within the few hours they spent together today. "The fact that you're the heir of Serpentine, the fact that you're strong, why hide it from me?" Sean felt let down. "If I wanted to protect you and those I care for, I needed to rise in power. That power would only be acknowledged if I gained it based on my skills and merits, not by leeching off others.  But you're not right about one thing, Sean. I was never strong to begin with. Leah looked up towards the sky. Let's go to my home. My dad missed you like anything. He keeps blabbering about how you take better care of him than me." Leah joked. "But it's true. I take better care of Mr. Serpico than you." Sean replied with confidence. 

"Gosh! The aura of confidence that shines through you is the definition of a narcissist." Leah and Sean kept having a cheerful conversation until they were interrupted by a bulky man in front of them. "You two. Don't think I don't know that you're trying to anger Mr. Reeds. Let me warn you now. I'm..." Before he could finish his introduction, Leah cut him off, "Mr. Ron del Luino's son. Felix. I'm impressed. You look better than you looked three years ago. In college, you practically never spoke a word. The university has done you good. You're becoming quite chirpy now, aren't you? Do I need to remind you what happened five years ago when you tried to abuse me? I remember someone getting nearly expelled from the school. What was his name again? Hmm.. Let me think. I believe you can wait for a while." Leah humoured herself and Sean when they saw his face turn white as if he had encountered a ghost. "Oh my! Are you alright? Your complexion has become pale. May I grab a glass of water for you?" Sean provoked the already fuming Felix.

"Umm... Umm..." Felix was so taken aback by the sudden words of the two that he lost his ability to speak. Felix recalled what happened in high school. He remembered the shouts of Leah begging to be let out. He also recalled that one of Leah's elder brothers, Julien, wreaked havoc in the school until she was found, and no one could ignore his presence. "I wonder what Julien would do if he saw such a display in front of him. Maybe, this time, you'll be expelled completely. Honestly, I don't care towards what you do. But, if you ever cross me or my friends again, I'll turn your life upside down. Please bear that in mind. Oh! Almost forgot. If you're thinking of asking for help from Emilia, feel free to do so. I've already taken care of that loose end." Leah said menacingly. 

"I think your brother was just scared about his little sister. No one could tell him anything because you had gone missing. Besides, that was the only day I had witnessed your brother in action. I have never encountered him since that time. So, you may be just lying. And the boy you claim is your "brother" might have been just helping a friend out." Felix brushed off her words as a joke and regained control of his mind. "Oh really." A voice sounded from behind him. Behind him stood the figure of a young man in what looked like his mid-twenties. "I thought I had given a warning to you many years ago about messing with my sister. Should I remind you again what happens when you mess with her?" Julien looked like he wanted to kill Felix. The glare from his cold grey eyes made Felix's bones shiver. 

"I'm warning you for the second and final time. Don't ever talk to my sister with that tone, or else you'll have to face not just me. You'll have to face the more cruel ones as well. And trust me, the other two brothers of Leah Serpico and Julien Serpico are not to be trifled with." Julien cautioned. "I think you're bluffing. The last time was just a mistake on the school's part. Don't try scaring me, or you'll have to deal with the wrath of the entire Luino group." Felix regained his confidence. What kind of middle-class family would have big-shot family members? "If anything happens to the Luino group, it's on you. Leah, let's go. Zac and Riven are acting like spoiled kills back at home. Oh, and bring Sean along. I'm sure Dad would be glad to have him over." Julien directed his gaze towards Sean, who was again laughing his lungs out. 

"He's a little fool. Don't mind him. I'll bring him over. Don't worry. Brother, I thought you would not return home after the incident that occurred two years ago." Leah sounded worried. "Don't worry, little sis. My fear has gotten better through therapy abroad. I still have some fear, but I'll be fine. Don't look at me with your puppy dog eyes. I'm taking care of my health." Julien reassured her.

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