Three Years Ago

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At last, five hours after the exhibition began, many guests were sent away, and a few of them were guided to a room and handed a mask each. The walls were decorated lavishly with jaw-dropping paintings.  All the guests took their seats and waited for the hour to arrive. Julien, wearing a silver mask, stepped out from behind the curtains. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's my honour to present before you the moment you've all been waiting for. May the highest bidder win." The auction began, and many paintings were bought at exorbitant prices. 

However, one painting was left to be sold. "Now, before everyone leaves, I'd like to present the masterpiece of this grand celebration. Behold the painting of 'The Moon of Life'." Julien said. A marvellous painting appeared in front of the audience. One could tell that this painting justified the organisation, 'Life and Feelings'. The painting eluded the feelings of what it means to live. The stars in it portrayed a sense of longing and passion. The moon painted in it added to its celestial vibes. The painting was one that even great painters of the future generations would remember. The audience began applauding and cheering, looking at that serene display. The painting was at last auctioned over 200M. After the auction concluded, Leah met Julien backstage. 

"So that was the painting you wanted from Kiara?" She asked. "Yes, I thought that painting would justify the name 'Life and Feelings'. It took me great pain to get this painting here. Pity your brother." Julien began flaunting his acting skills. Suddenly, Kiara popped out from nowhere and asked, "Oh really! May I know which part of bringing my painting here pained you?". "Ahem... You know, like the erm... never mind." Julien stopped talking. He knew he could not talk his way out of this situation. It would be most beneficial to stay quiet. "Okay, I'll see you all later," Julien said. "He's scared of you. How interesting!" Leah turned to Kiara. "He's not scared of me. He's just scared of losing his artist. 

"That makes sense," Leah said, "So, now that my brother's gone, I need to know something." "What do you want to know?" Kiara asked. "Do you like him?" Leah asked. Kiara stepped back and almost tripped over her feet due to the shock. She stared into thin air for a few seconds before answering. "Julien is the most selfless man I've met. He's got a noble heart. But Leah, why do you want to know?" "No reason. I just wanted to know whether you're everything he needs on his side right now. It seems like he's made the right choice." Leah said. "Thanks, lovely. You know how to flatter people." Kiara did not know how to reply to those words, so this was the only answer she could think of. 

Kiara then headed to her house. "I don't know what to do anymore. How do I let him know?" She said. A prodigious portrait of her mum and she was placed on the wall. "Mom, what am I supposed to do?" "I'm alive and well. Why are you talking to a painting?" A lady in her mid-forties appeared in front of her. "What's bothering you, my child?" She asked. "He doesn't know who the girl he spoke with three years ago is me. The so-called "half-sister" of Kristine is me. The one who stood by him three years ago was me. I want him to recognise me, but at the same time, I fear his reaction if he finds out my true identity." Kiara was on the verge of a breakdown. "What does your heart tell you?" Her mom asked, then said. "Come clean to him. If he still sees you the same way, he's worthy of your admiration. If not, then to hell with him." Her mother said. "How do you always understand my situation without asking any questions?" She hugged her mother, went to her room, and rang Julien.

"Kiara, what's up?" Julien asked. "Are you busy? I need to talk with you." Kiara asked. "I'm free." He replied. In another room, Leah was busy talking to the snake of darkness. "Kiara Leandro or Lamira, she's a good person at heart. But, her past is tragic. Three years ago, around the time your brother broke up, Kristine worked together with some criminals to frame Kiara's mother for robbing a family heirloom. Due to that, the head of the family removed their name from the family register, and Kiara took on her mother's family name. Many things changed in both the Lamira and Leandro families since then. The Leandro family holds more authority than the Lamira family. This raises a question. How did the Lamiras not face any consequences?" Before he could continue, Leah cut him off. "This does complicate everything. I feel sorry for Kiara. At a young age, she lost the love of one parent. Some people don't deserve such jewels."

"Leah, you there?" Julien's voice came into the room. "Come in." Julien sat on her bed and lay his head on her lap. "Sister, I'm so confused. At one end, I want to console her, while at the other end, I want to kill everyone who hurt her. Am I fine?" "Some people, even if we kill them a thousand times all over, it'll never be enough. I know how that feels. If you want to give comfort, then hug them tightly and promise them that you'll always be on their side." Leah said. "Leah, three years ago, when Kiara was busy giving me solace, her home was snatched? Kristine killed her grandfather, poisoned her mother, and then framed her mother for robbery. Her mother escaped juvenile custody because of proof that pointed towards the perpetrators. Her mother had to stabilise the Leandro family after her grandfather's death. Her father flung divorce papers at her mother. The LS enterprises almost went bankrupt. Her father then married Kristine's mother, who spread false news about her being an illegitimate child." Julien's face was red, and as he closed his eyes, he could visually imagine what she went through. 

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