Disaster Itself

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"You knew? Did you know how we were treated at school?" Leah approached Roland. "What do you mean by how you were treated at school? Were you bullied?" Roland was stunned by Leah's words."Erm.. Not really." Leah lied, but her father knew all four siblings too well. Whenever you lie, you twist your fingers. Leah, sweetie, don't lie to me. I'm your father, and I know you better than you know yourself. I want Julien and you to stop trying so hard to keep your emotions at bay. If anyone tries to harm you henceforth, choose one of the two options I give you. Firstly, bury them with money. Or, secondly, make them regret being born as a human. Did you understand? Now, tell me, who dared to bully my kids?" Leah's father cracked his knuckles as if he were going to kill someone. "Also, Julien, I think Riven, Zac and I deserve an explanation for what happened two years ago that made you leave the country," Roland stated.

"I'll say it when everyone is here," Julien said. "We're all here." Riven's voice emerged from the background as he and Zac walked sleepily down the staircase. "Okay. Two and a half years ago, I met a girl called Kristine. She was amazing, or so I thought at that time. I gave her everything she asked for. Money, gifts, property, my heart, but if only I knew her true face. Turns out, she was playing me. Two years ago, our financial staff came home. I told her they were here to discuss economic issues. She was with me at our house that day and suddenly asked to leave. I thought she must've felt uncomfortable with someone else in the house, so I escorted her back to hers. That should've been the first day she came to my house, but it was also the last day I brought her here. She thought I was a servant here and told me she wanted to break up. When I asked her, she answered, I'm just a servant for a family. How can I date a noblewoman like her? Heh... I left the country a week after that." Julien looked broken. 

"Kristine Alexandra Lamira, your ex has a magnificent history in the last two years," Zac said. "Within three months, changed men twice and within two years, 21 times. Can I slap her for you?" Zac was fuming. "Have some ice cream. Your face looks red as if it's on fire." Riven joked. "Don't mind her. I'll make sure she begs you to take her back." Leah's eyes were blazing. While the conversation between the family was continuing, on the other side of town, a certain Lamira was scheming. "I heard you can kill anyone secretly. I'll give you a million; in return, I want Julien Serpico dead. This is his picture. Oh! Almost forgot. His little sister, Leah Serpico, if she gets in the way, kill her. I'll pay you double then." Kristine was speaking to a thug. "Consider them dead." The leader of the group assured her and left.

On her way to school, Leah saw that Julien had dark circles around his eyes. "Didn't sleep much last night?" Leah asked, concerned about his health. "Not really. I was gaming till 3 a.m. That's the reason I'm sleepy." Julien said. "Okay. Focus on driving." Julien's eyes fixated on the road ahead of them. When they reached the school, Julien opened the car door, and Leah stepped out. However, as soon as she stood up, a car from behind crashed into Julien's. "Not my car!" Julien screamed. "We're sorry. You see, we've been paid to blow up your car. Alas, you both were not in it." Three men stepped out of the car and held Julien and Leah at gunpoint. "This is an educational facility. Are you not afraid that you will be captured through surveillance?" Leah stood calmly. "Looks like you're not afraid of death. Well, we'll kill your brother. Then, have you beg for mercy." 

"You asked for it. Darkness that forms my shadow, show them your power and block their light." Leah said. As soon as those words left her lips, they dropped their weapons. 'I... I... I can't see. Ahhh! No. This is not possible." The three thugs began to walk ahead aimlessly. They lost their eyesight, which was crystal clear. "Leah. How?" Julien asked. "You don't need to know. Just know that I won't hurt you or anyone who doesn't deserve pain. I'll cause grief to those who hurt others for selfish needs." Leah promised him. "How do I go back home now?" Julien was relieved. "Erm.. I guess Dad could send someone to pick you up. Until then, why don't you stay with me at school?" Leah looked at Julien with puppy dog eyes, making him unable to resist her invitation. 

 "Thanks, brother." Leah acted like a child. "I'll be with you in a few Julien. I have some business to take care of." "Okay." Julien entered the campus grounds. "Beg me. Beg me, and I might reconsider giving you sight back." Leah turned cold and looked at the three thugs. "Do you think you can hurt my family?" Leah stepped on the three who had fallen onto the ground after bumping into a pole. "Drill these words of mine into your head. I shan't tolerate anyone going against the Serpico family. Whoever disobeys, I'll kill them." Judging by the look in her eyes, they knew she was dead serious.

"Forgive us, please. We were given orders by someone to kill your brother and you." The leader spoke up. "Hmm... Was her name Kristine?" Leah took a guess. "Yes. That was the name of the woman who hired us." another spoke up. "In that case," Leah's eyes looked dark, "tell her not to go after Julien again. If she does, I'll make her life worse than death. I'll make her realise what it feels like to wake up alive but in a living hell." Leah spoke every word of hers with clarity and ruthlessness. The three men looked at each other and thought to themselves, the lady standing in front of them, she was something that could bring disaster upon all those who harmed her. No, actually she was disaster itself. 

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