Lenas past

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My name is Lena Gonzalez and I am 18 years old. Now you will hear my story.

!TW! Drinking problems, beating up minors and adults.

Lets go back to year 2008! I was 3 years old back then, and my "lost" older brother Pedri was 5. Why did I say "lost"? Well, our parent got divorced on Valentiens day 2008. Pedri and I were in his room, locked, because our dad had a drinking problem, so every night when he wold came home drunk, he would beat up our mom, and sometimes us. Dad did not even acted like it was Valentines day, like he did not got mom any present or he did not took her out for a dinner, while she bought him a present. She waited for him so hapily to come home after work. He came, of course, but with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. Pedri grabed my hand and we ran to his room and locked the door. We could her them two fighting, shouting, objects breaking, screaming, crying and more. We were sitting on the floor being really scared. I was hugging Pedri so hard and crying in his arms, while he was hugging me tight with a sad face trying to calm me down. Then our mom came in the room with our and her things packed up. She was ready to leave. She picked me up and some of the packed stuff, and told Pedri to pick up his stuff and follow us to the exit. He listened, but never managed to do it. Why? Because our dad caught him and started beating him up. I was listening to my brother, he was crying and screaming out of pain so hard. Then dad told mom "You can leave with Lena, but do not you take Pedri away from me. If you do or if you try, it is not going to be good!". My mom was really sad that she could not take Pedri too, but she had to listen to my dad. Before leaving, I said "Adios hermano"( if u do not know, it means "bye brother" in spanish), while he just waved at me running out of energy.


My mom bought the airplane tickets to Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. We found a tiny apartment for us there, and my mom got a job as a journalist. 

Now lets go back to December 2022! At the time I was 18 years old, wich means I am an adult. I got my self a boyfriend named Leon, and to be honest he is not the best. He is just like my dad, toxic and alcoholic. But one day, I reported him to the police, and he ended up in jail for 1 year. And some weeks later, I got job as a FC Barcelonas photographer! So exciting, right!? I found my self an apartment there, right behind Camp Nou Stadioum. So on January 2nd this year (2023.), I bought airplane tickets, packed my stuff, said goodbye to my mom and went back to Spain after 15 years! Mabye I will found my "lost" brother, who know, right? I landed in Barcelona at 6:07 am. It was so pretty there, the sunrise made it even prettier! I was walking trought the airport when i bumped into some guy. And that guy was... PEDRI?!

First chapter done! More updates soon.

Love yall!

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