Why is this happening...

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"No we are not." - Lena and Gavi

"A hug does not mean anything." - Lena

"Si." - Gavi

"Mhm sure.." - Pedri

*time skip: 2 hours later*

Time passed really fast. I went to my apartment while Pedri and Gavi stayed at their house. I decided to go to sleep early, because tommorow is my first day as a FC Barcelonas photographer. I am so excited!


 It is about 9 pm. Pedri and I are just chilling in the living room. I am still thinking about Lenas tattoo... Lena also told me that nobody knows about the tattoo and about the suicide attempt except her mom, not even Pedri. I just had a feeling taht for some reason I need to tell Pedri all about it. I was looking at him so nervous, untill he noticed.

"You good hermano?" - Pedri

"Actually I am not, I need to tell you something." - Gavi

"Yeah go ahead." - Pedri

"It is about your sister." - Gavi

"What about her? Is she okay? Is she hurt?" - Pedri

"Well she was but..." - Gavi

"What do you mean?" - Pedri

"When you went to the store earlier she fell asleep in my lap-" - Gavi



"Sorry, go ahead." - Pedri

"Thanks." - Gavi

"But yea are you together?" - Pedri

"PEDRI!" - Gavi

"Alright sorry.." - Pedri

"I just looked at her with a smile, and then I saw a semicolon tattoo on her wrist." - Gavi

"..." - Pedri

Pedri literally started crying. I felt so bad for him.

"Bro I am so sorry for telling you this. But i just had a feeling that I needed to." - Gavi

"Bro why is this happening.." - Pedri

I was hugging him while he was just crying in my arms.

"Let me call her." - Pedri

"Better not." - Gavi

"Why?" - Pedri

"Well I mean she is probbably sleeping now, and you are all stressed out so..." - Gavi

"You are right." - Pedri

We just talked for a bit, and then we went to sleep. By the way tommorow will be our first training with Lena as our photographer. I am sure that now I will love trainings even more.



It is now 6:30 am. And now I am getting ready for first day at my job. AAAAA I AM SO EXCITED! My outfit is basic, but it still looks cute. I wore a white crop top, black adidas tracksuit and white Jordan 4 shoes.I put on some basic make up, sprayed my favourite Victorias Secret body mist(Aqua Kiss) and curled my hair a bit. I got there in about 5 minutes, because I live right behind Camp Nou, so it is not that far. On the parking, I saw Pedri and Gavi. I went to them and we said hello to each other. They went to changing rooms, and I went to the pitch while getting my camera ready to take some photos. And there comes Xavi, the coach. We introduced to each other and talked a bit, and then the players came. I have met them to, and then the training started. I have took enough photos, so I went to sit on the bench and watch them train. I sat right next to some girl who was about my age.

"Hola, I am Lena Gonzalez, and you?" - Lena

"I am Aurora Paez Gavira." - Aurora

"You must be Gavis sister." - Lena

"Yes I am, and you must be Pedris." - Aurora

"Yeah that is me." - Lena

"Great! So you are uhh.. a photographer?" - Aurora said while pointing at my camera.

"Oh yes I am. It was my dream since I was a kid." - Lena

"That sound so cool! How did you managed to become a professional photographer?" - Aurora

"Well I was living in Zagreb so I went to photography school there. I also took private photography lessons." - Lena

"That is really nice! And you lived in Zagreb? My dream always was to visit it. It must be really nice there." - Aurora

Only if she knew... I started getting falshbacks, I started remembering all the thing that happened there.

"Yeah it was pretty nice." - Lena

Aurora just smiled. The training was over so we all went back to our homes.

Fourth chapter done.


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