I'm not okay

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*time skip: the next morning*

I woke up and I saw that Pablo was already awake. He was laying next to me and scrolling on his phone.

"Good morning Pablito." - Lena

"Good morning mi amor." - Pablo

"How are you feeling?" - Lena

"I'm feeling fine." - Pablo

"Don't lie to me Pablito." - Lena

"I'm not lying." - Pablo

"I know how you really feel." - Lena

"I told you, i feel fine." - Pablo

"You feel fine at this moment, but i know that you're still struggling." - Lena

"Mi amor, let's not have this conversation again." - Pablo

"But Pablo I need to know what's going on with you." - Lena

"Nothing's going on with me, I'm fine!" - Pablo

"Stop lying, Pablo!" - Lena

"I'm not f*cking lying!" - Pablo

"Then what the f*ck is this?!" - Lena says as she points at Pablo's scars.

"It's nothing." - Pablo

"How could you say that? It clearly is something!" - Lena

"Alright Lena, I'm not okay! Are you happy now?" - Pablo

"I'm happy that you have admitted it, but I'm not happy because you're not okay. Hang on a sec, I'll make you an appointment at a therapist." - Lena

"NO LENA DON'T!" - Pablo

"It's for your good, Pablo." - Lena

"Please Lena, don't make me go there! I'll do anything." - Pablo

"I'm sorry Pablo but you're going." - Lena

*time skip: after Lena made an appointment*

"You are the worst." - Pablo

"I'm the worst? I'm just trying to help you!" - Lena

"Yeah, but everyone will think I'm crazy!" - Pablo

"Well you don't have to tell anyone that you're going on therapies." - Lena

"But what is someone founds out?" - Pablo

"Oh my God you're so difficult." - Lena

Chapter 22 done. 

Next one will be longer.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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