Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl

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I was walking trought the airport, when i bumped into some guy, and that guy was... PEDRI?!

"Oh I am so sorry." - Pedri

"Nah its alright I should be sorry, wait, Pedri?!" - Lena

"Yeah its me, and your name is?" - Pedri

"I am Lena." - Lena

"Lena... and your last name?" - Pedri

"Gonzalez." - Lena

"No way..." - Pedri

At that moment I stayed silent. Did I just found my "lost" brother?

"¿Hermana?(It means sister.)" - Pedri

Then we hugged.

"You remember me?" - Lena

"Of course I do, ever since we got separated." - Pedri

Nahh I litteraly started crying. I am so happy that he still remembers me.

"No hermana do not you cry..." - Pedri

"It is just so sweet and sad at the same time. The sweet part is that you still remember me, and the sad part is that you got stuck with our dad. How it was living with him?" - Lena

!TW! Mentions drinking and beating up a child.

"Well after you and mom left, I did not lived with dad for verry long. One night he came home drunk again, and of course, he started beating me up. I managed to escape from his grip, I picked up his phone, ran to my room and locked the door. I called the police and explained the whole sitation. After 15 minutes the police and child protective services came." - Pedri


"Dad ended up in jail, and I ended up in an orphanage. I did not got adopted while I was growing up, so, when I turned 18, I became a football player for FC Barcelona and for Spain National Team." - Pedri

"Oh I am so sorry hermano..." - Lena

"No you do not need to be. And what was your life like?" - Pedri

"Well mom and I moved to Zagreb, the capital of Croatia and started "a new life" there. Mom got a job as a journalist and she bought a small apartment for us two. I went to school there, and the language was pretty hard, but I managed to learn it. Everything was great, untill I turned 18 and got my self a boyfriend named Leon. He was really toxic, just like dad. So one day, I reported him to the police and he ended up in jail. Couple weeks later, I got a job as a FC Barcelonas photographer, so that is why I moved here. I packed my stuff in todays morning, said goodbye to mom and went to the airport. I landed here just a couple minutes ago." - Lena

"I am so sorry about your relationship, but wait, DID YOU JUST SAID YOU GOT A JOB AS A FC BARCELONAS PHOTOGRAPHER?!" - Pedri

"YESS!" - Lena

"That means we are going to spend even more time together!" - Pedri

"Of course!" - Lena

We were just talking a little, untill Pedri offered me to go to his house.

"Sure, but first I have to drop off my stuff at my apartment." - Lena

"Sure I will drive you." - Pedri

*time skip: 30 minutes later*

We got to Pedris house. It is soooo big! He mentioned that he has a roomate, so he told me to wait in the living room while he is going to wake his roomate up.

"Pablooo wake up!" - Pedri

"Bro just leave me alone..." - Pablo

"No get up and get dressed." - Pedri

"But why?" - Pablo

"My sister came." - Pedri

"And what it has to do with me?" - Pablo

"Just get up!" - Pedri

"OMG fineee..." - Pablo

Pedri came downstairs to living room, and some minutes after him, a really good looking boy came.

"Hola, soy Pablo, ¿y tú?(It means hi, I am Pablo, and you?)" - Pablo

"Soy Lena." - Lena

"Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl." - Pablo said with a smile.

Ummm? Why did I just get butterflies?

Second chapter done!


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