It is all my fault...

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"Yes, I'm so sorry." - Pedri

"Anita was right, it is all my fault..." - Lena

"Oh of course it's not." - Pedri

"It is."- Lena

"But how?"- Pedri

"Well I mean I got in a relationship with Fermin just to take a revange on him and then he found out and he got mad and sad so he ran out of the club and you hit him with a car and now he is in a coma all because of me!" - Lena

"But I still don't understeand how is this your fault." - Pedri

"Then whose fault is it?" - Lena

"Mine." - Pedri


"First of all, I need you to calm down. Second, it is my fault because he is in a coma because of me, not you. You've done apsolutely nothing wrong. You need to stop beeing so negative on your self." - Pedri

"Thanks Pedri. You're like the only thing I have left." - Lena

"What do you mean? You also have mom, right?" - Pedri

"Yeah, but sadly she is not here. I talk about the people that are here, in Barcelona. I had my bestie, I had my boyfriend, now I only have you. All of them have left me." - Lena

"So that's the reason why you started smoking and drinking?" - Pedri

"Si." - Lena

"But you made a promise to your self to never do it." - Pedri

"Well lots of people promised me things and it all fall apart. So this is like an example." - Lena

He was just looking at me not knowing what to say, while I picked up a vape and took a puff. He saw it and immediately threw it out of my hand.

"No hermana, no. Leave that thing alone and go to sleep. I promise, you'll feel better." - Pedri

"Alright if you say so. Te amo mucho hermano." - Lena

"Te amo mucho tambien Lena." - Pedri

If you don't know, te amo mucho means I love you very much in spanish. After all that I went upstairs to sleep. I decided to sleep in Pablo's bed, because I miss him so much and I feel bad for all the bad things I've done to him. 

16th chapter done.


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