Your tattoo...

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"Ummm... thanks.." - Lena

I got red as a tomato. Did he just called me pretty? Anyways, we all talked for a bit and then Pedri went to the store. So that means I stayed home alone with Gavi. 

"So what should we do?" - Gavi

" I do not know. I do not have any ideas?" - Lena

"Do you like watching Netflix?" - Gavi

"Of course I do!" - Lena

"Great! What would you like to watch?" - Gavi

"How about Money Heist?" - Lena

"Sure!" - Gavi

And of course, we watched it. After 30 minutes I started feeling sleepy. So i accidently fell asleep on Gavis lap. 


Lena fell asleep on my lap after 30 minutes. I have to admit, she looked really cute and pretty tho. I just looked at her with a smile on my face, when I saw a semicolon tatto on her wrist... I broke down in tears. 

!TW! Mentions suicide attempt. 

For people who do not know, people with a semicolon tatto tried to kill them selfs/ do suicide.


I do not know how could she do that to herself. I cried to loud taht I woke her up.


I woke up and I saw that Gavi was crying. 

"Gavi whats wrong?" - Lena

"Your tattoo..." - Gavi

"Oh shit-" - Lena

"Why would you do that to yourself?" - Gavi

"It is a long story." - Lena

"No tell me por favor.(po favor means please) - Gavi

"Do I have to?" - Lena

"Yes." - Gavi

!TW! Mentions cutting/sh, pushing under tram, blood, bleeding, risk of dying, knives. 

"It all started when I was 15. I was living in Zagreb, and went to school there. It was my first year of high school. On the fathers day, one of the teachers asked the whole class did we buyed our dads something because it was fathers day. All of the other people said yes, while I was the only one saying no. My teacher asked me why not, and then my ex bestie, Lucija, said: "Oh well her dad lives in Spain and he hates her so much that he would kill her if he could, so yeah..". The whole class was staring at me. I just ran to the bathroom while crying. She was my only friend who knew about relationship between me and my dad. I told her to never tell anyone, we even did a pinky promise! And I stopped being friends with her. Some weeks later, I saw her at the main square cheating her boyfriend with some guy thats like 20 years older than her. As my revange, I took a picture of them and sended it to her boyfriend. Her boyfriend broke up with her. 3 months later, she got ran over by tram, but somehow she survived. As her revange, she told the police that I pushed under the tram! Of course, I had a lot of problems then. I lost lots of friends, and everyone was avoiding me. I just could not take it anymore. So I decided to do suicide. I took a knife and cut my veins. My mom saw that I have fainted, and that I was bleeding, so she called an ambulance. They came really fast, so I survived.


"Lena i am so sorryy. I should not force you to tell me the story if it was that bad." - Gavi

"It is alright." - Lena

We hugged for a long time, when Pedri came home and he saw us hugging he screamed: "AHHH ARE YOU GUYS TOGETHER??!!"

Maybe we could...

Third chapter done!


Love at first sight | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now