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"No, what am I doing..." - Gavi

"Huh?" - Lena

"Never mind." - Gavi

Well I kinda hoped that he will kiss me, but he did not. 

"Guys come on!", we heard Aurora yell, so we went back.

"Sooo what did you guys do?" - Pedri

"Nothing?" - Lena

"Did you kiss?" - Pedri

"Oh my God.." - Gavi


"BRO WHAT THE-" - Lena

"Alright sorry, but did you kiss?" - Pedri

I wanted to say no, but just randomly Gavi started singing. What is happening, I am so confused.

"Tooooot el camp", Gavi singed Barcelona anthem while clapping. He is completly drunk I am sure!

"Gavi are you okay?" - Lena

"Eeeeees un calm!" - Gavi

"Pablo?" - Aurora

He just continued to sing, he acted like we do not even exist! I do not know if he can not hear us or he is ignoring us.

"GAVI!!" - Pedri screamed

Gavi continued to sing. So I took my shoe off and started hitting him. It was kinda fun tbh. All of a suden he started running away from me, so Aurora took my shoe and started chasing him! He was running, and she throw shoe on him. Gavi fell, so Aurora picked him up and they went to the car, Pedri and I followed them. This time Pedri was driving, Aurora sat on the passangers seat, while Gavi and I sat in the back. It was pretty silent car ride, untill Gavi said:

"Do you guys have a cigarette or a vape? I have a nicotine obsession."

"Since when do you smoke?" - Aurora

"Since nonce." - Gavi

"Then how do you have a nicotine obsession?" - Lena

"When I see you amor."

Pedri just looked at me with a smile.

"Bro how did you even got drunk?" - Aurora

"Well it was not water in my water bottle. It was tequila." - Gavi

"Oh my.." - Pedri


"What now.." - Lena

Gavi got out of the car, he took a lighter out of his pocket. What is a lighter doing with him oh my God.. Then he picked up a piece of grass and started burning it.

"Gavi what the hell are you doing?!" - Pedri

"I am smoking weed! You guys want some?" - Gavi

"Just get back in here por favor." - Lena

"Okay amor."- Gavi

He went back in car and left the "weed" and a lighter on road. No I am gonna pray for him I am sure. 

"Amor can you sleep with me tonight?" - Gavi

"No!" - Lena

"Por favor?" - Gavi

"Please Lena do it." - Pedri

"Yeah." - Aurora

"But why?" - Lena

"It might be nice." - Pedri and Aurora

"Alright I guess.." - Lena

First we dropped Aurora off, and then went to Pedris and Gavis house.

Pedri went to sleep and I was in the bathroom taking my make up off, when I heard Gavi singing some songs by Sia. I wonder what he will sing next! I came to living room where he was, and saw him dancing on the table and singing.


"Pablo Pedri is sleeping do not yell!" - Lena


"If you do not stop right now I am not gonna sleep with you." - Lena

"Alright amor, lets got to sleep." - Gavi

Thank God.. He layed in bed first, and I layed right next to him. After some minutes he picked me up and put me on his self so I would lay on him. We fell aspleep cuddled up with him saying:

"Now I will have better sleep."

Sixth chapter done! I love drunk Gavi, hbu?


Love at first sight | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now