2 days

93 3 3

*time skip: 1 am*

The party has ended and everybody went home. Pablo and I decided to stay at his place for the night. When we got home, I saw that he stuggled to take his jacket off.

"You need help with that?" - Lena

"Yeah, thanks." - Pablo

As soon as I took the jacket off, I saw it. The scars. The scars he has because of me. 

"No Pablito, you didn't." - Lena

"I didn't what?" - Pablo

"The scars." - Lena

"Yeah, about tha-" - Pablo

"But why would you do this to yourself?" - Lena

"Because of you mi amor." - Pablo

"But it wasn't worth it. You worth more than that." - Lena

"I don't Lena." - Pablo

"I'll ask you something, and you need to be honest. How long are you clean for?" - Lena

"Lena I'm to tired for this." - Pablo

"How long?" - Lena

"2 days." - Pablo

"Mi amor..." - Lena

This can't be right. Only 2 days... What have I done to him...

"We'll talk in the morning amor, now let's go to sleep, it's late." - Lena

"Alright, good night amor, I love you." - Pablo

"I love you too Pablito." - Lena

*time skip: 1 hour later*

An hour passed. I'm still not sleeping, at least Pablo is. I just can't sleep, after everything he told me. I started crying. I felt so sad because of it.

"Mi amor what's wrong?" - Pablo

"Everything." - Lena

"And what exactly everything?" - Pablo

"I'm still thing about you and your self h@rm."- Lena

"Don't think about it. Like you said, it's not worth it." - Pablo

"But I can't help it Pablito. I can't sleep because of it." - Lena

He picked my head up, placed it on his chest and hugged me.

"Now you will be able to sleep. And we'll talk about all this in the morning. Now get some rest, you deserve it." - Pablo

"Thanks Pablito, good night." - Lena

"Good night pezita." - Pablo

Chapter 21 done.

Also I'm back after my 2 month pause, I'm sorry for not being active.

I'll try to post new chapter ASAP.


Love at first sight | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now