Who are you?

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Lots of days have passed. January is over, so it means that today is February 1st. Tomorrow is my 19th birthday. Honestly, I'm not that excited like I used to be. My only birthday wish is that everything comes back to normal, and that Pablo wakes up from coma as soon as possible. I took a break from work because of my pregnancy. I think that there's something wrong with it, so I decided to go to the doctor today. I've got ready and my brother took me to the hospital. He waited for me in the car as I went in the hospital. 

*time skip: after the apoitment*

"So how did it go?" - Pedri

"Not so well." - Lena

"What do you mean?" - Pedri

"The baby.... died." - Lena

"What!" - Pedri

"Yeah." - Lena

"I am so sorry hermana. I really am." - Pedri said as he hugged me tight.

"Thanks hermano." - Lena

"But how's that even possible?" - Pedri

"It all happened because of nicotine and alcohol. The doctor said it can be a real damage in pregnancy." - Lena

"That's what I tried to tell you, but you haven't listened to me." - Pedri

"I know. I'm sorry." - Lena

"No, don't you be." - Pedri

Soon after, Pedri's phone rang. It was the hospital.

"Hola?" - Pedri

"Hola, is this Pedri Gonzalez?" - the doctor

"Yes it is, how can I help you?" - Pedri

"We have some amazing news for you. Your friend, Pablo Gavira has woke up from coma. You can come and visit him now." - the doctor

"This is amazing, thank you so much!" - Pedri

*call ends*

"Let's go hermana!" - Pedri

"Where?" - Lena

"Inside the hospital, Pablo has woke up!" - Pedri

"Oh my gosh let's go!" - Lena

Last night I've been praying for Pablo to wake up, I guess my prayers have been answered. Only one person could go in the room at the time, so Pedri let me go in there first.

"Hola Pablo." - Lena

"Who are you?" - Pablo

"What do you mean who am I, it's me, Lena." - Lena

"No, i don't know any girl named Lena. Now would you please leave before I call someone to get you out?" - Pablo

"Fine." - Lena

"So?" - Pedri

"He does not remember me." - Lena

"Oh I'm sure he does. He's just messing with you. Let's see if he remembers me." - Pedri

"Hola Pabloooo!!" - Pedri

"UNCLE MARCO!!!!!" - Pablo

"What?" - Pedri

"Uncle Marco I've missed you so much I'm so glad that you're here!" - Pablo

"Pablo I'm not your uncle." - Pedri

"What do you mean you're not who are you then?" - Pablo

"It's me, Pedri, I'm your teammate." - Pedri

"Teammate? I don't remember that I play any sports." - Pablo

"Oh dear God." - Pedri

17th chapter done.

I am really sorry for not posting so often.


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