¡Feliz cumpleaños!

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The kiddnaper drove me to a big mansion on the beach. It was 5:30 when we got there. He took me inside the mansion. We went straight to the basement. He locked me in there and just left. I was all alone in a random mansion. I turned on the lights, seeing lots of food and drinks on the table, a tv, a big blue dress, blue heels, makeup and some things for making hairstyles. Lastly, I saw a note saying: "Happy birthday! I will be back tonight by 7, make sure you do your makeup and hairstyle. This food here is for you to eat, and the tv is here in case you get bored. Also, make sure to put on the heels and dress before I'm back. See you!". I was totally creeped out, but I still have done all this. Hours went by, and it was finally 7. The kiddnaper came in, and took me with him without saying a word. He took me into a huge, dark room. We got in and he closed the door. The only thing I could see is a big red timer on the wall. It was set only for 5 seconds, so I was just standing there looking at it. It finally run out, the lights went on, and...

"¡Feliz cumpleaños!" - I heard

I saw everyone. By that I mean like the FCB team, my work colleagues, my relatives and even my mom! I can't belive she came from Croatia to see me! 

"Mama!" - I screamed and ran to her to give her a hug.

"¡Feliz cumpleaños mi Lena! Look at you, you are so big and grown up!" - mom

We talked for a bit, and then I asked

"But who's the kiddnaper guy?" 

"It's me hermana." - Pedri said while taking his hood off. 

"Ay dios mio it was you the whole time?! You scared the sh!t out of me I tought I was really kiddnaped!" - Lena

"I know I know. Lo siento." - Pedri

"Oh it's fine. Wait, Aurora and Fermin you guys are also here? I tought you were mad at me." - Lena

"Yeah, we were, but Pedri covinced us to come." - Aurora

"Thank you everybody, you are really the best!" - Lena

"Now what are we waiting for, let's open your presents!" - Pedri

"Yeah you're right." - Lena

We sat down so I could open all my presents. I saw a big box and decided I will open it first. I started unwrapping, and after some time I finally unwrapped it. I opened it really fast, and then...

"¡Feliz cumpleaños mi amor!" - Pablo said while jumping out of the box.

19th chapter done.

Love at first sight | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now