Chapter 2

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*Zoey’s POV*

When I wake up I know for sure I’m not in Blackrock anymore. The walls of the room are netherbrick and Rythian isn’t beside me. When I sit up my head starts to pound. I go over to the lone window in the room and look across the landscape. I was definitely in the Nether, that was for sure. I go to the door and try to open it but it’s locked. “Wonderful.” I say aloud to myself. I see a plate of food on a desk, but it’s meat so I refuse to eat it. Who would take me to the Nether? I didn’t understand what was going on. Sips or Sjin would have just brought me to Sips_co and tried to make Rythian suffer. And Lalna would bring me back to his lab, and probably wouldn’t lock the door. I didn’t think any of them would bring me to the Nether, it seemed pointless. I bang and kick on the door in frustration, knowing it wouldn’t help much. I go back and sit on the bed before looking over myself. I didn’t have anything with me besides my clothes. And when I feel in my pocket I realize I have Rythian’s life stone still. That gives me a little comfort, knowing I shouldn't be killed while here at least. I glance out the window again. I was too high up to jump down, and even if I did I don’t know where a portal is. I would be stuck in the never ending Nether. As I continue thinking of plans for escape I hear my bedroom door open. I spin around to see a blaze.

‘You are needed Princess.’

I blink at it, not sure how to respond. Finally I say, “By whom?”

‘The king of course.’ It says sounding bored.

“There’s a king of the Nether?” I ask feeling stupid. I knew there was a queen on the End but I didn’t know there was a king of the Nether. What did he want with me?

‘Yes, and he is requesting your presence, so please follow me.’

It turns to leave and I follow. I knew trying to run would be pointless, since I was in a Nether palace I knew that blaze guards were probably everywhere. But I could at least try and familiarize myself with the halls. Maybe when I do get a chance to escape, I won’t get lost because I can remember what I’m doing now. The blaze leads me to what I’m assuming is a throne room. The blaze pushes me towards the blaze sitting on the throne and to my surprise it didn’t burn me.

‘That will be all, thank you.’ The blaze on the thrown says and steps down. In almost an instant he becomes a human and I feel my jaw fall open.

“Blazes can’t switch like that!” I say in shock and confusion.

“No, but I am no ordinary blaze, why else would I be the king? And you be my daughter?”

I stare at him, accessing him. He had my golden eyes and my fiery red hair; I hated to admit that we looked alike. “Then who is my mother?” I ask sounding braver then a felt.

“She passed away giving birth to you, in the mortal world you grew up in. I’ve been spending all this time searching for you, my dear.” I didn’t like how silky his tone was. He planned this out, though I’m not sure how or why.

“Alright, how did you know I survived?” I ask curiously.

“A blaze can feel when their offspring passes away, Zoeya.” He says smiling dashingly.

“How did you know my name?” I hiss backing away slightly.

He laughs somewhat manically. “I helped your mother choose that name before you were born, and I watched you before sending my men to bring you here. I heard that ender halfling call you Zoey.” He scowls the last part.

“I prefer being called Zoey and his name is Rythian.” I say defensively.

He raises an eyebrow. “My, my, you seem to have grown... attached, to the spawn of saten.” He says looking amused.

“He isn’t a spawn of saten, technically I am if I’m your daughter. The Nether is hell after all.” I say crossing my arms over my chest. I officially despised him.

He merely smiles which gets me angrier. “Ah so it seems. You still have feelings for this boy, correct?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer. He could probably already guess the answer, but I didn’t want to put Rythian in danger. “How did you get me? Blazes aren’t able to go through portals.” I ask changing the subject quickly.

Part of me thinks he’ll go back to Rythian, but he lets me switch topics instead. “I have friends in your world, they helped me. It was difficult, according to them though, because you had that halfling next to you.”

How did Rythian not wake up? Alarm shoots through me. “Did you do anything to him?!” I say frantically.

He raises his eyebrow again before shaking his head. “Just a little blaze dust to keep him sleeping, did the same with you. He was not harmed I assure you.” 

I let out a breath in relief. “So why am I here?” I ask curiously.

“I need an heir to my thrown; I would never trust it to just any blaze. Why do you think I wanted a child in the first place?” He says as if it were obvious.

“But I can’t switch and become a blaze like you. I’m permanently human.” I say confused.

“Only for now, my daughter. Only for now.”

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