Chapter 7

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*Zoey’s POV*

I’m not sure for how long we flew, I ended up falling asleep. The next thing I do remember is waking up to Tee’s tail in my face.

“Hey!” I say slightly in annoyance as I sit up but I end up laughing. “Keep that thing to yourself.” I felt so happy and so relieved that I had gotten away. I didn’t even care what happened next.

“Jeez you slept for a while.” I hear Rythian’s voice behind me.

I turn towards him and look around. “Where are we?” I ask curiously.

“I flew a long way from the palace and found this cave type thing high up. I don’t think the blazes would go this far, or check this high up. I figured it was safe to stop for a while.”

I peer outside the entrance and look down before gulping. “That’s a lot of lava.” I comment, slipping back inside.

He laughs. “Yes, yes it is.”

Feeling safer the deeper I went into the cave I go and sit next to Rythian, who was leaning against the wall. “How are we going to get out of here? And doesn’t it hurt to land when you’ve been flying here?” I ask a bit concerned.

He glances at me and shrugs. “It hurt a little, but it would have been worse to walk all this way. Oh, I almost forgot.” He reaches into his Alchemy bag and hands me a fire amulet. “I’m not sure if being princess of the Nether makes you fire proof or not. I do know that in our world you managed to set yourself on fire so…”

I take it and slip it on. “Better safe than sorry, in case you drop me in lava or something.” I say jokingly and he laughs a bit. “And you never told me how we’re going to get out of here.” I add after a moment.

“I have some obsidian in my bag along with a flint and steel. We can just make a new portal and destroy the one in our world once we’ve gone through so no one can follow us.” He explains.

I nod. “Alright…” I smile before adding, “Fair enough.”

He laughs and narrows his eyes playfully at me. “Either you are stealing my line or making fun of me.”

I shrug. “It could be either, or both.” I had missed this. Even for the short amount of time I had been gone I felt something missing, and this was it. “So what are we waiting for? Let’s make a portal!” I go to grab his Alchemy bag but he stops me.

“I think we should wait a bit longer.” He admits.

I raise an eyebrow. “Why?”

“I don’t know where this portal is going to take us. You don’t have proper armour or weapons. What if we spawn somewhere dangerous? Or at night?”

I tilt my head to the side slightly, thinking. “Well, I have Tee and you to protect me. And if we’re going to spawn somewhere dangerous, waiting isn’t going to help.” I point out.

*Rythian’s POV*

She was right; of course, it didn’t put aside my anxieties though. I’m about to comment back when suddenly turns pale. “Are you ok?” I ask turning to her all the way.

“Yeah, just feeling a little dizzy.” She says her voice sounding weak.

I reach over and touch her cheek gently. “You feel really warm, and I don’t think it’s just from the Nether’s heat. Did your father give you anything? Have you eaten?” I ask concerned.

She shakes her head and then grips it with both her hands. “Note to self don’t move head to fast it causes the world to spin.” She mutters and lets out a shaky breath. “I don’t think my father gave me anything. But a blaze did come in and give me blaze dust so I fell asleep. If he did do something, I wouldn’t have woken.” She says and bites her lip. “I don’t know what he would do though.”

I hated her sounding like this, and worse I hated there was nothing I could do. “Alright, we’ll go through the portal and find our way back to Blackrock. There we can examine you more properly.” I tell her quietly. “Can you stand?”

Instead of answering she tries to lift herself up successfully but she looks wobbly on her feet. I let her lean on me as I grab my Alchemy bag and take out the obsidian. “Tee, will you watch her while I go find a spot for the portal? This cave isn’t large enough.” The dinosaur nods and puts an arm around Zoey before saluting me. “I’ll be right back ok?” I tell her.

“Alright, be careful.”

*Zoey’s POV*

As soon as Rythian leaves Tee tries to get me to sit back down but I refuse. “I’m fine.” I lie. I didn’t know what my father might have done to me, if it was even his doing but I definitely didn’t feel anywhere close to fine. “Hey Tee, do you have any bread or stew?” He nods and pulls a loaf out of a leather bag I’m guessing Rythian gave him. He hands it to me, looking concerned. “I’m fine.” I mumble biting into it. Almost as soon as I do I feel nauseous though. I spit it out and grip my stomach before sitting down again. I hated feeling so weak. I close my eyes and feel Tee sit next to me, wrapping his tail around me.

I don’t know how long it takes Rythian to get back, I might have fallen asleep, but the next thing I remember his the feeling of being weightless. I open my eyes to see Rythian carrying me again. “Did you make the portal?” I ask putting my arms around him, still afraid of falling despite his promises.

“Yes I did now shh, just rest Zoey.” He says gently.

I sigh a bit. “Thank you.” I whisper.

“For what?” He asks looking down at me, our eyes locking.

“For coming to get me.” I admit truthfully. He didn’t know how grateful I was for him.

He scoffs. “No matter where you are if you need me I’ll help you.” He says sounding incredulous but when he looks away I notice the tips of his ears turning red.

“Still, thank you.”

He simply nods this time as he walks to the edge of the cave and jumps, activating his flying ring quickly so we barely drop. It doesn’t help my stomach though. He flies us down, Tee following us until we reach the portal.

“Let’s hope this takes us somewhere nice.” He says more to himself then to me before walking us both through the portal. But where we end up, is where neither of us want to be.

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