Chapter 4

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*Zoey’s POV*

For the rest of the day, or what I think is day, I spend thinking of ways to get out. It’s difficult though. I didn’t have any supplies, or tools or anything. I felt completely weak and I hated it.

Hours later from thinking of escape attempts that would inevitably fail, I climb into bed. I could barely even think of any words I was so tired, yet I couldn’t fall asleep. I don’t know if it’s the fact I was in the Nether, the fact it wasn’t my bed, or that fact Rythian wasn’t here, but I couldn’t sleep. It seemed impossible and so very far away when a blaze comes in.

“What do you want?” I hiss at it, sitting up in my bed.

‘The king has sent me.’ It tells me coming closer and I scoot back away from it.


It doesn’t answer, instead it blows powder in my face before leaving.

I knew what it was. My eyelids start to droop and I feel wobbly, even just sitting up. I felt so tired already that this just makes me go under.

*Rythian’s POV*

Tee and I spend hours looking for a Nether palace, but it’s tricky. We have to avoid hitting zombie-pigmen and fight of ghasts. Not to mention we can’t fly here because we get hurt if we land. I know I had been able to find one before, but it was uninhabited.

At some point, Tee stops me from walking. “What Tee?” I ask annoyed. I already knew what he wanted though, he wanted to rest. I sigh. “You stay here, I’m just going to look a little further ok?” He nods and sits on a piece of Netherrack as I continue forward.

I can’t help but smile when I see it. I see netherbrick walls and a light passing through a window that must be a blaze. This Nether palace had blazes, which means Zoey might be here. I knew there was a chance she was in the Nether but not in a Nether palace, but it made more sense for her to be here. I run back to where Tee is. “I found one.” I say feeling relieved. He stands again and asks me a silent question with his eyes. “I think we should wait until we rest. Not only that, but I don’t have my life stone anymore. And I rather not get killed by a blaze.” He nods in approval. Almost everything in me wanted to run back to the palace and try to find Zoey as quickly as I could, but I wasn’t sure why she was even here. I didn’t want her getting hurt, and I relax further, only when I remember I had given my life stone to her. At least that should keep her safe.

Tee uses his flint and steel to create a small fire and sits down again. I do as well and stare in the direction of the palace. We’re coming Zoey, I promise.

*Zoey’s POV*

When I wake up again it takes me a minute to remember where I am. Part of me had hoped I would be in Blackrock, and coming to the Nether had all been a bad dream. But no. It is reality. A very frightening reality. I jump out of bed and try to open the door again, and again it’s locked. I wish I had my science with me; I could just make a portal gun. Or magic, and make a void ring. Heck, I would settle for an axe, a plain old ordinary axe just so I could break down the door.

A blaze comes in a moment later. ‘The king has requested for you once more.’ It tells me.

I shake my head. “What for? I don’t wish to see him. Let me leave.”

It thinks about this for a moment before saying, ‘I am unsure as to why he wants you all I know is that he does want you. I work for him and therefore you are coming with me.’ It comes over and grips my arms, dragging me out of the room.

“Let me go!” I seethe, once again feeling weak as I try to pry myself from the mob.

‘I have orders to follow.’ It replies simply.

I grit my teeth. “I don’t care about your orders; I am a princess you should listen to me.” I mutter feeling angry.

It ignores me and brings me back to my father’s throne room.

‘Thank you Alden, that will be all.’ Once again when the blaze has left the room my father returns to being a human instead of a blaze.

“Why don’t you just stay in human form?” I ask.

“I happen to enjoy being a blaze, but the reason is because the other blazes respond to me more positively when I am one of them.”

Now it makes more sense why he wants to change me. “Why am I here now?” I had hoped I would get a bit more time to be me. Or plan an escape.

“Can you not guess?” He says grinning evilly at me.

I swallow, hard. “Do you even know how to change me? Or is this some sort of experiment for you?” I hiss trying to stall.

He raises an eyebrow and laughs, confusing me. “My daughter I am not changing you. Yet. I had a surprise for you.” He changes into a blaze again and makes some kind of call I can’t really describe. Two other blazes walk into the room with cages dragging behind them.

I gasp. Teep and Rythian were in them. “I thought you said they weren’t harmed when I was taken!” I hiss feeling tears sting my eyes.

“Zoey, are you ok?” Rythian asks looking concerned at me.

‘They were unharmed, we found them a little ways from here Zoeya.’ My father says. ‘And she is fine, halfling.’ He adds looking a Rythian. ‘That will be all.’

When the blazes leave the room I go over to Rythian’s cage and grip his hand through the blaze rod bars. “Are you hurt?” I ask quietly.

He shakes his head. “I’m fine, Zoey.”

I turn back to my father who returned to his human state. “This is what you call a surprise?! Let them go!” I scream in anger and fear.

“Why would I do that? I can finally kill the queen of the Ends offspring. She would be so displeased with me.” He says, his grin remaining.

“I won’t let you hurt him.” I say clenching my fists.

He laughs again. “As if you would have a choice.”

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