Chapter 9

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*Rythian’s POV*

I peer my head around a corner to see Duncan at the control box for the force field. “Come on, just turn it off.” I mutter.

Eventually, he turns it off with his remote while he goes over to his balcony. Further away from us. I let out a breath in relief and go over to Zoey again who still looks sick.

“Can we go now?” She asks sounding tired.

I nod and pick her up again. “I’m going to walk for a while so he doesn’t spot us but I’ll fly us back to Blackrock as soon as we get far away enough ok?” I tell her.

She nods weakly against my chest and her eyes flutter closed. I turn around to Tee who looks concerned. “Let’s go.”

It doesn’t take long for us to get back to Blackrock, once I can start flying again. When we get there, I leave Zoey with Tee in the trees while I go inside. I make sure that there aren’t any intruders before coming back out to get them.

“Alright, the coast is clear, we can go in.” I say taking Zoey again.

She mumbles something that I can’t understand so she speaks up, “Are my mooshrooms ok?”

I smile a bit. “They’re fine Zoey.” I assure her as we go inside. I bring her upstairs and lie her down on the bed we share before kneeling down next to her. “What can I do?” I ask softly.

“I don’t know.”

“What’s happening for you Zoey?”

*Zoey’s POV*

I wasn’t really sure how to answer that.

I let out a shaky breath. “Well, for starters I can’t have mushroom stew. When I tried to eat it made my stomach twist.” I tell him attempting humor. “The world seems to be becoming increasingly spinning.” I add and glance over at him. “It’s hard for me to focus on anything.”

His violet eyes meet mine, lit with concern and worry. “I’m going to go try something, I’ll send Tee up to be with you alright?” He says after a moment.

“Ok.” I say closing my eyes again.

*Rythian’s POV*

I go downstairs quickly and find Tee outside. “Will you go watch Zoey for me?” I ask him. He nods and heads for the door.

I go into the magic room and start frantically looking through spell, potion and healing books. I try to find something that would help with the symptoms she told me but I didn’t think any of these things would help. This was all new to me. I didn’t know what kind of power her father possessed, or if what he did to her was irreversible or anything. I was clueless, and I hated it. I end up making several potions and just tossing them away.

When the sun starts to go down I go upstairs to check on Zoey. Tee is sitting next to her with his tail wrapped around her protectively. She was still sleeping.

“Has she eaten?” I ask and Tee shakes his head.

I go back downstairs and grab some mushroom stew from the kitchen and bring it up. “Give this to her if she wakes up. Tell her to eat as much as she can.” I instruct. The dinosaur nods again and places it nearby. I stare at Zoey for a moment before leaving once more. This time I don’t go to the magic room though. I go across the hall to the library.

“There must be something.” I mutter to myself as I search the shelves.

*Zoey’s POV*

When I wake up I notice Tee’s tail again and I smile as I sit up, shoving it off of me. “What is it with you and the tail?” I tease feeling a bit better. He shrugs and hands me a bowl. As if on cue my stomach lets out a large grumble. “I don’t know if I should eat this.” I say quietly but take it from him anyway. I was very hungry. I take a spoonful of it and as soon as I swallow gag a bit. But I can keep it down.

I take a few more bites and hand it back to Tee. “I think that’s all I can take right now.” I tell him. My stomach starts to churn as Rythian walks into the room.

“How are you feeling?” He asks not looking at me.

“Well, the world isn’t spinning as much, I was able to eat something and I don’t feel as tired so… I’m feeling much better.” I say smiling at him, but he still won’t meet my eyes.

“That’s good I suppose.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “You suppose?” I say a bit confused.

He sighs and rubs his temples with his middle and forefingers. “Yes, Zoey, I suppose.”

I thought he would be happier that I was feeling better, not like this. “Is something bugging you Rythian?” I ask.

“No, nothing at all.” Without another word he spins on his heel and walks out of the room.

“What was that all about?” I ask aloud to myself.


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