Chapter 3

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*Zoey's POV*

I look up at the netherbrick ceiling, thinking over what my father had said.

“I’ve been working with both magic and science, and I believe I can make you just like me.”

I had shuddered. Not only at the thought of becoming like him, but the fact he was using both magic and science together is dangerous. Obviously not all the time, I mean, me and Rythian get along besides that one conflict. But if he was mixing spells and technology, it might not end so well. Especially if I was going to be his guinea pig to test on.

I sigh and grip the life stone in my pocket, it was the only thing to make me feel even remotely save. And it made me feel close to Rythian. He’s been on my mind nonstop since I woke up. Is he ok? Does he think I left purposely again? Is he looking for me? These questions plague my mind and I can’t answer a single one. Maybe I shouldn’t have come back to Blackrock. It would have made me safer, and Rythian wouldn’t have to deal with me. The thought saddens me, but it’s still there. What would he have done if I had never come back? I didn’t know. I hated not knowing.

After my father was done explaining what his plan was too me, he sent a blaze in to drag me back here to my room. It didn’t feel like mine though. The locked doors and the dark colors just wasn’t me. And there were no mushrooms anywhere in site. Usually the Nether is filled with them, but when I look out my window I don’t see any which makes me sad. But what saddens me more is not seeing Rythian. There was a chance he wouldn’t be here to save me this time. There was a chance, he might think I left him again, and just be angry and upset. There was a chance, that I am stuck here, without a way out. Get a grip. I tell myself sternly. Even if Rythian isn’t coming to get you that’s ok. You need to figure a way out of this. It seemed impossible, but I knew it could happen. I’m smart, I can get out of this. Somehow.

*Rythian’s POV*

Once we get through the portal I feel a bit better, knowing I was a step closer to Zoey. But it didn’t help that I still had no idea where a Nether palace was.

“If I go too far I might lose the portal, which is my only way out of here. But if I limit myself, I might not find Zoey.” I mutter, thinking aloud. I glance around at the zombie-pigmen. I knew they wouldn’t hurt me unless I hurt them first.

Tee starts tapping my shoulder and pointing to my Alchemy bag. “What?” I hiss feeling stressed and annoyed at him. He points to the portal, made out of obsidian, then points at the bag again. I open it and then understand what he means. “I could build another portal! That’s perfect Tee, I can find my way back once were in the real world again.” I say smiling gratefully at him. I break this portal just so I don’t accidently get sent back here and look around again, being careful that there are no ghasts nearby. “Keep a look out please?” He nods and puts his bow in a ready position as we start to walk. I can’t help but laugh a bit.

He’s a dinosaur on the edge.


Author's Note: Sorry my chapters are kind of short, I just upload kind of randomly :P

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