Chapter 14 - End

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*Zoey’s POV*

It wasn’t hard to tell that Rythian wasn’t thrilled about having Charlie come with us. I liked the idea though, she was really nice.

“Thanks for helping out Ravs.” Rythian was saying before we leave.

“Yeah, and sorry about taking off like that.” I add.

“It’s not a problem. Make sure you stop by some time ok?” He says before leaving himself.

Charlie was already at the door looking excited.

Her face drops a bit when Minty calls her back over.

“What?” She says sounding annoyed.

“You need a sword, Charlie.”

I stifle a laugh at that since it was kind of obvious she needed weapons.

“Riiigghhht… that’s kinda important isn’t it?” She says smiling and taking a diamond sword from her sister.


Alright, that is the small bit I had written for chapter 14. I thought I would share it. I decided to give a small summery of my plans, only because if I wrote an ending I was afraid it would be rushed and not good.

My plan was to have not get to the safe shelter, because Zoey's father is there. When he retreated he didn't go back home, and instead went there. Although none of them know how he knew where it was. They go and seek help from Duncan, though Rythian strongly protests. He still considers Duncan an enemy, and Duncan see's him the same way. But he can't turn down Zoey or Charlie. Eventually Rythian and Duncan start to get along as they plot to try and get Zoey's father back to the Nether, without killing him. Both of them agreed that would be a last resort, for Zoey's sake. Even if she would prefer him dead. At one point in the days Zoey was going to collapse with a massive head ache, and no one knew why. She passes out and I would have written her dreams/nightmares. The point in this was that her father and her share a  mental connection, that became very strong when he was in the normal world instead of a world away. It's how he found out about the location of the safe shelter. This cause a dilemma because both Duncan and Rythian want to trust Zoey, but they are afraid her father might see something they have planned.

To be honest I didn't have the ending completely formed in my mind either. Usually I just write as it comes to me. Make it up as I go along sort of thing. I do know that Charlie was going to be a 'sacrifice' I guess you would call it. Someone has to get Zoey's father through the portal, and if they do the portal will collapse. It could be years before the person on the other side found one. (they couldn't risk reopening the original since Zoey's Father would be right there) So Charlie volunteered to do this because she wants to be helpful.

My other plan was to have an epilogue where Charlie returns, but I don't have any of that planned out either.

All and all it was going to be a happy ending. The only reason it wouldn't be (as in I might of added more to the epilogue) was if I planned on making a sequel or something.

I hope that this satisfies you enough.

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