Chapter 13

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*Rythian’s POV*

Zoey helps me stand but it still hurts. The life stone did take time to help and since it was a wound from the Screaming Blade I knew it would be even longer.

“Should we go to your shelter?” Zoey asks.

“I think that’s our best option. Staying here is too easy.” I look over at where all the blazes were a few minutes ago. “What made you come back? And how did you get them all to leave?” I ask curiously.

She looks away from me and wrings her hands out as if embarrassed. “I, uh, don’t have a reason for coming back. I just, er, um kinda felt I should.” She stutters and sounds uncertain.

I contain a laugh, not wanting her to feel worse. “Alright. Fair enough, but how did you get them to leave?” A thought occurs to me and I grip her arm tightly. “You aren’t hurt are you?”

She smiles a little but still doesn’t look at me. “No, no I’m fine. Can you fly?” She asks changing the subject and not answering my question.

I debate for a moment, then I shrug. I decided not to push it. “I think so.” I lift myself into the air a few inches, and though it hurts, the life stone helps diminish the pain. “Yeah, I can do this until we get to the shelter.” I say simply.

She doesn’t look like she believes me as she hoists herself into the air as well. “If you feel tired and need to rest will you tell me?” She asks but doesn’t let me answer. “Never mind, I know you won’t.”

I smile, even if she can’t see it. “I’m fine Zoey, it’s just a scratch.”

*Zoey’s POV*

I want to slap him. He was acting as if him getting stabbed wasn’t a big deal but it was. He could have died! And he doesn’t even seem to care. Does he even realize how scared I was? No, of course he doesn’t. He also doesn’t know that the thought that my father had killed him is how I did what I did. And I don’t even know what I did exactly.

“Lead the way then.” I say finally.

I didn’t want to argue with him.

He flies faster then I want him too, pretending as if he’s alright.

It annoys me and worries me at the same time.

Eventually we land at the captive creeper.

“Why are we here?” I ask curiously.

He doesn’t answer. Instead he goes inside.

I follow.

Inside Ravs and Minty are talking while Tee is playing the lever game with a girl I haven’t seen before.

The mystery girl has long brown hair that cascades over her dark blue hoodie. Her jeans are more like capris being only 3/4ths of the way down her leg.

As Rythian and I walk in Ravs and Minty turn their attention to us.

“I hope you know she left on her own.” Ravs says immediately.

I glance over at Rythian, curious as to what he might say.

“It’s alright, she’s stubborn. I already knew that.” He says jokingly peering at me for a moment.

“I am not stubborn!” I say and feel myself blush.

Rythian pulls me over to the side of the bar. “I just remembered something; do you want to go back? I never got a chance to get Daisy, Steven, Nilesy JR-”

I cut him off. “It’s ok. With my father not there they should be fine.” I still felt a little guilty leaving them behind, but I honestly didn’t want to go back again. Not right now at least.

He studies me for a moment before nodding slowly. “Alright.” He says finally and goes over to talk with Minty and Ravs.

I go over to the mystery girl and Tee.

“Who’s winning?” I ask smiling at my dinosaur friend.

“I am, he just doesn’t want to admit it.” The girl says sticking her tongue out at Tee like a little kid.

She looked my age.

“Hi I’m Zoey.” I tell her and she laughs.

“I know who you are Zoey.”

This stuns me a bit and she laughs again.

“I’m Minty’s sister. I know about a lot of people, I just haven’t gotten a chance to meet them.” She smiles at me. “You’re known as the mushroom queen.”

I laugh at this. “Well, that fits me for sure. Did Minty tell you I was in a band?”

*Rythian’s POV*

“Are you hurt?” Ravs asks me right away.

“No.” I lie.

“Rythian, do you need a guide to the shelter? It’s getting dark and you obviously aren’t fit to go alone. Tee and Zoey might not be enough.” Minty says.

“We’ll be fine, I’m sure of it. I don’t want to take you away from the bar so Ravs can run you out of business anyway.” I tease.

Minty flashes a smile at Ravs. “I don’t think that will be happening any time soon.”

“Hey!” Ravs says defensively.

I speak up so they can’t get into an argument. “You get my point Minty. I’m sure we’ll be ok.” I assure them both.

“At least let my sister go with you.” Minty says turning her attention back to me.

“As much as I hate to agree with her, she’s right. At least take her with you. She’s good at killing creepers before they explode.” Ravs adds.

“Fine, but only if she wants to go.” I look over at the table Tee was playing the lever game with her. They were stopped now and she was talking with Zoey.

Minty whistles getting all three of their attentions. “Charlie, get over here.” Minty says and she immediately stands and walks over.

“What’s up?” She says leaning on the counter causally.

“Will you help Rythian, Zoey and Teep get to their shelter? Rythian’s hurt and we want to make sure they get there safely.” Minty explains.

Charlie glances at me. “You’d be willing to have me come along?” She asks her eyes filled with excitement. She looks like she's practically containing jumps for joy.

“Only if you want to, I think we’ll be alright on our own but your sister would feel better if you came along.”

She puts a hand over her mouth and looks from Zoey and Teep, back over at me and then to Minty. “Of course I’ll help you! I mean, I’ve only known Zoey for a few minutes and she’s already awesome.”

Zoey comes up behind her. “Don’t forget stylin’! You can’t forget that.” She says and smiles over at me.

“Alright then, fine, you can help us get there.” I say a bit reluctantly.


Author's Note: This short chapter is dedicated wholly and completely too none other then the wonderful The1DMockingbirdMage! She has wonderful stories and is a talented writer :D Charlie is designed by her, even though in Tekkit Minty doesn't have a sister (as far as I know) xP But that's ok because its my fanfic right? lol go check out her stuff if you haven't already, she's awesome  <------- Right here

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