'Don't Eat that'

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(Henry is watching the clock tower, when it suddenly moves. The next day, Mary Margaret, while eating breakfast, notices that the clock is working again. Emma looks out the window in her room at the inn. Archie is walking his dog, Mr. Gold walks past, and Ruby is putting out the sign for Granny's Diner. Regina is reading Henry's book and notices that the end pages are torn out.)

Regina: The missing pages – where are they?

Henry: It's an old book. Stuff's missing. Why do you care?

Regina: I care because you guys think I'm some evil queen. And that hurts me, kids. I'm your mother.

Henry: No, you're not.

Regina: Well, then who is? That woman you brought here? I don't like what she and this book are doing to you. Thankfully, both are no longer an issue. What?

(The clock chimes, causing Regina to look up. The Kids leaves while she's distracted.)

Emma is at Granny's Dinner. She is reading the newspaper and eating the apple that Regina gave her. Ruby serves her a cocoa.)

Ruby: Here you go.

Emma: Thank you. But I did not order that.

Ruby: Yeah, I know. You have an admirer.

(Emma sees Graham at another table. She walks over and puts the cocoa in front of him.)

Graham: Ah, so you decided to stay.

Emma: Observant. Important for a cop.

Graham: It's good news for our tourist business, it's bad for our local signage. It's... It's a joke. It's because you ran over our sign.

Emma: Look, the cocoa was a nice gesture, and I am impressed that you guessed that I like cinnamon on my chocolate because most people don't, but I am not here to flirt. So thank you, but no thank you.

Graham: I didn't send it.

(Henry is sitting at another booth and overhears them.)

Celest: I did. we like cinnamon, too.

Emma: Don't you have school?

Henry: Duh. I'm ten. Walk me.

Emma: What about you celest you have school to

Eva: no I'm home schooled 

(Emma and Henry are walking to the bus stop.)

Emma: So, what's the deal with you and your mom?

Henry: It's not about us, it's about her curse. We have to break it. Luckily, I have a plan. Step one – identification. I call it Operation Cobra.

Emma: Cobra? That has nothing to do with fairy tales.

Celest: Exactly. It's a code name to throw the Queen off the trail.

Emma: So, everyone here is a fairy tale character. They just don't know it.

Henry: That's the curse. Time's been frozen – until you got here.

(Emma takes a bite of her apple.)

Celest: Hey! Where'd you get that?

Emma: Your mom.

Celest: Don't eat that!

(Celest takes the apple from Emma and throws it over her shoulder.)

Emma: Okay, uh... Alright. What about their pasts?

Henry: They don't know. It's a haze to them. Ask anyone anything. And you'll see.

Emma: So, for decades, people have been walking around in a haze, not aging, with screwed-up memories, stuck in a cursed town that kept them oblivious.

Henry: I knew you'd get it. That's why we need you. You're the only one who can stop her curse.

Emma: Because I'm the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming?

Celest: Yes. And right now, we have the advantage. My mom doesn't know that. I took out the end. The part with you in it. See? Your mom is Snow White.

Emma: Kid...

Henry: I know the hero never believes at first. If they did, it wouldn't be a very good story. If you need proof, take them. Read them. But whatever you do, don't let her see these pages. They're dangerous. If she finds out who you are, then it would be bad. I got to go. But I'll find you later and we can get started. I knew you'd believe me!

Emma: I never said I did.

Henry: Why else would you be here?

(Henry runs into the school. Mary Margaret sees Emma and approaches her.)

MMB: It's good to see his smile back. How are you Celest?

Celest: I'm Well Miss Mary, how are you?

MMB: That's wonderful to hear would you like to hey my class today

Celest: uh sure, later Emma ( walks into the school)

Emma: I didn't do anything.

MMB: You stayed. So, does the Mayor know you're still here?

Emma: Oh, she knows. What is her deal? She's not a great people person. How did she get elected?

MMB: She's been mayor for as long as I can remember. No one's ever been brave enough to run against her. She inspires quite a bit of, well, fear. I'm afraid I only made that worse by giving Henry that book. Now he thinks she's the Evil Queen.

Emma: Who does he think you are?

MMB: Oh, it's silly.

Emma: I just got five minutes of silly. Lay it on me.

MMB: Snow White. Who does he think you are?

Emma: I'm not in the book. Can I ask you a favour? Regina mentioned the kid's in therapy. Do you know where I could find the doctor?

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