'A wolf???'

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(Graham knocks on Regina's door. She answers.)

Regina: Graham?

Graham: are the kids asleep?

Regina: Henry Yes. Celest I presume so Why?

(Graham kisses Regina. She hesitates, then kisses him again and shuts the door.)

(Graham bolts upright in bed. He is sweating and breathing heavily. Regina, who is lying next to him, is also awakened. Celest was walking down the hall on her way downstairs to grab herself a snack when she heard talking coming from her mum's room so she leaned up against the door to listen)

Regina: What is it?

Graham: I had the most intense dream. I was in the woods hunting and I k*lled a deer. There was a wolf...

Regina: A wolf?

Graham: Its eyes – one was blood red and the other was black as night. The funny thing is, I think I've seen the wolf before.

Celest:*whispers* A wolf?..

Regina: Come back to sleep, Graham. It was only a dream.

Graham: It didn't feel like a dream. It felt like a memory.

(Graham gets up and starts getting dressed.)

Regina: Graham.

Graham: I need some air. I need to think.

Regina: Graham, please. Come back to bed.

Graham: I left my car anyway. I need to go and get it. Clear my head.

Regina: Graham, listen. It's late, you're tired, you're probably still drunk. Don't leave.

Graham: Since when do you want me to stay, anyway?

Regina: You're not well.

Graham: I'm fine.

(Celest Hears Graham coming to the door so she bolts to her room as quietly as she can so she won't get caught)
(Graham leaves Regina's room.)

(Graham and Mary Margaret are still in Mary Margaret's classroom.)

Graham: Mary Margaret, how long have we known each other?

MMB: Um... I don't know. A while.

Graham: Do you remember when we met?

MMB: Um. No.

Graham: Me neither. I can't remember when I met you, or when I met anyone. Isn't that odd?

MMB: I don't know. I mean, I suppose. But, I think that's just life. Things get hazy.

Graham: Have I ever hurt you?

MMB: Oh, Graham. No, of course not. What is going on?

Graham: Do you believe in other lives?

MMB: Mm, like heaven?

Graham: I mean like past lives.

MMB: You've been talking to Henry and Celestia.

Graham: Henry?

MMB: Well, Henry has this book of stories. They've been going on about how they think we're all characters from them. From another land. We've forgotten who we really are. Which, of course, makes no sense.

Graham: Right. No, of course.

MMB: Graham.

(Mary Margaret leans over and puts her hand on Graham's forehead.)

MMB: Ah! You are burning up. Go home and get some rest. I think you'll feel much better after you've had some sleep.

Graham: Right. You're absolutely right. I'm sorry to disturb you. I thank you.

MMB: Of course.

*Time Skip :)*

(Graham rings the doorbell of Regina's house. Henry answers the door.)

Henry: Hey, Sheriff. My mom's not here.

(Celest walks downstairs and spots Graham)

Celest: What's Graham? mums out if you're looking for her

Graham: Your brother just said that Actually, uh, I'm here to see you, kids. I was hoping you could help me.

Henry: Help you with what?

Graham: It's about your book. Am I...in it?

Celest: what book would u mean???

(A deer from the woods transforms into an illustration of a deer in Henry's book. the kids and Graham are sitting on the bed in Henry's room, flipping through the book.)

 Celest: When did your flashes begin?

Graham: Uh, right after I kissed Emma.

Henry: You kissed my mom? What did you see?

Graham: A wolf. I saw that I had a Knife in my hand and I was with Mary Margaret.

Celest: Were you about to hurt her?

Graham: Yes! How do you know that?

Henry: Because Mary Margaret is Snow White. Which makes you the Huntsman.

Graham: So, you really think that I could be another person?

Celest: Makes total sense. You were raised by wolves – that's why you keep seeing one. It's your friend – your guide. It's trying to help you.

Graham: I'm remembering this because I kissed your mother. How is that possible?

Henry: Well, you two do have a special connection. She owes you her life.

Graham: Why?

Henry: Snow White's her mother and you spared her. If you hadn't, my mom wouldn't have been born.

Graham: Wh-What happened after I spared Snow White?

Celest: The Queen took your heart. She ripped it out. It's kind of her thing. She never wanted you to be able to feel again.

Graham: Let me see that book.

(Graham takes the book from Henry and turns the pages. He gets to an image with the Evil Queen and a building with the same symbol that he previously saw in his flashback.)

Graham: What's that? I saw that, too. The wolf was howling at it.

Henry: That's her vault. It's where she put her heart.

Graham: The wolf wants me to find it. Thank you guys.

(Graham quickly leaves Henry's room.)

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