'The Pregnant maid is dangerous'

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(Emma and Henry are walking down the main street.)

Henry: You sure we can be out in the open?

Emma: Enough sneaking around. If your mom has a problem with me walking you to a school bus, I am more than happy to have that chat.

Celest: You're brave. We'll need that for Operation Cobra. Speaking of – do you think we need code names?

Emma: Isn't 'cobra' our code name?

Henry: That's the mission. I mean us. I need something to call you.

Emma: Oh. Um, well, why don't you just call me Emma for now?

Henry: Okay. Well then, I'll see you later, Emma.

(Henry gets on the bus. The bus leaves and Graham's cop car pulls up next to Emma and Celest.)

Emma: What's with the siren?

Graham: It's so hard to get your attention.

Celest: Well, you got it. Are you arresting Emma again?

Graham: I'm thanking her. For your help finding that coma patient. We all owe you a depth of gratitude.

Emma: Well, what do I get? Accommodation? Key to the city?

Graham: How about a job? I could use a deputy.

Emma: Thank you, but I have a job.

Graham: As a bail bondsperson? There's not much of that going on here.

Celest: That mean

Emma: I don't see a lot of sheriffing going on around here, either.

Celest: You just got told Graham.

Graham: Well, here's your chance to see it up close. There's dental? Why don't you think about it? And stay a while.


(Regina is putting on lipstick in the mirror. Henry is sitting at the table reading a comic book and Celest is on her laptop)

Regina: I know you think otherwise, but I don't enjoy these Saturday city council meetings. Sometimes, they're just unavoidable. Now, you know the rules.

Henry: Yes at home, homework

Celest: no on TV, and stay inside.

Regina: Good kids. Under no circumstance do you kids leave this house?

Henry: You mean, don't see my mom.

Regina: She's not your mother. She's just a woman passing through. Now, do as I say, or there will be consequences. I'll be back at five sharp.

(Regina leaves. As soon as she pulls out of the driveway, Henry grabs his backpack and leaves the house.)

Celest: where are we going 

Henry: isn't it obvious

Celest: if it was I wouldn't ask

Henry: we are going to see Emma


(Henry walks in without knocking. Celest following behind him)

Henry: Hey, Emma. I was thinking we-

Mr. Gold: Hey, Henry. How are you?

Henry: Okay?

Mr. Gold: how about you Celest?

Celest: Grand *sarcastically*

Mr. Gold: Good. Give my regards to your mother. And, um, good luck, Miss Swan.

(Mr. Gold leaves.)

Celest: Do you know who that is?

Emma: Yeah, course I do.

Henry: Who? Cause I'm still trying to figure it out.

Emma: Oh. I meant in reality.

Henry: Is that all you brought?

Emma: Kids, what are you doing here?

Henry: My mom's gone til five. I thought we could hang out.

Emma: Ah, kid. I wish I could. But there's something I got to do.


(the kids follow Emma outside. The three are walking down the street.)

Henry: Please let us help.

Emma: No! No, it could be dangerous.

Celest: The pregnant maid is dangerous?

Emma: She as*ault Mr. Gold.

Henry: Cool!

Emma: This isn't a game. She's desperate.

Celest: How do you know?

Emma: Because I know.

Henry: Well, then let's find her.

Emma: Oh, no, no, no, no. There is no let's. You cannot come with me.

Henry: Then I'll look for her myself.

Emma: Then I'll find you and I'll bring you back.

Celest: Then you wouldn't be helping the maid.

Emma: I am just trying to be responsible, here.

Henry: And I'm just trying to spend time with you.

(Henry gets into Emma's car.)

Emma: Oh, that is really not fair.

Henry: So, the maid. What's her story?


(Emma, Henry and Celest are talking with Ruby at Granny's Diner. Ruby's car is being dropped off by a tow truck.)

Emma: So, this boyfriend of hers. You don't think he was involved in her disappearance?

Ruby: Uh, that would mean he was involved with her at all, which he isn't. He left her in the lurch, right after they found out they were expecting. Hasn't spoken to her since. Like I said-

(Ruby's car is dropped abruptly and the wolf charm hanging on her mirror almost breaks.)

Ruby: Hey! Hey! Hey! Billy, be careful! You almost shattered my wolf thing, Billy. It's good luck.

Billy: I'm sorry, Ruby. But look – it's fine.

Emma: Um, Ruby. What about her family?

Ruby: Oh, um, she's got a stepmom and two stepsisters that she doesn't talk to.

Henry: Wait. Stepmom, stepsisters, and she's a maid?

Emma: Henry. Not now.

Ruby: Look. I don't know what you've heard, but it's wrong. Everyone thinks she's not ready to have this kid, but she's trying. Taking night classes, trying to better herself... Trying to get her life together. Can you understand that?

Emma: I think so.

Ruby: Then maybe you should just stay out of it. She's been through enough already.

Emma: I've been through it too, Ruby, and I can help her.

Ruby: Then, try her ex.

Emma: Where can I find him?

Ruby: He lives with his dad.


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