'Henry, I told you my mum doesn't exist...my real mum anyway'

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*Henry barges into Celest's room... only to find her asleep. He climbs onto her bed and starts jumping*

Henry: Celest, Celest, Celest, Celest, Celest

Celest: OMG!!! Henry stop jumping, what do you need 

Henry: I think I have figured out who your mum is 

Celest: *shoots up out of bed* Ok I'm listening 

Henry: OK so...

Celest: *interrupts him* wait wait in reality or Once upon a time??

Henry: oh in Once Upon a Time

Celest: oh ok good 

Henry: wait so you don't want to find your mum in the curse

Celest: Henry, I told you my mum doesn't exist...my real mum anyway. She doesn't exist to me and she never will.

Henry: no I know I just find it sad that you think like that 

Celest: I know it's just she left me. She didn't want me. So why should I bother trying to look for her

Henry: Yeah I get that. Anyway back to my first point. 

Celest: Yeah you were telling me who my mother was 

Henry: right, I think your mum is ... oh god idk how to say this 

Celest: Come on Henry just spit it out 

Henry: OK your mum is * the door opens and it's their mum*

Regina: Kids !!

Celest: OMG WHAT!!??* covers her mouth realizing what she said and who she said It to*

Celest: Mum..i-i 

Regina: Henry! go downstairs breakfast is ready. I need to have a word with your sister.

(Henry leaves and closes the door behind him)

Celest: Mum i-

Regina: Save it, Celestia. Idk what has gotten into you lately. You always seem so distant from me, you have an attitude. Is there something you're not telling?

Celest: No Mum I'm fine 

Regina: OK... you're grounded 

Celest: What!!?? for how long!!!????

Regina: a week, you will be allowed to be in the town, but you must give me all your devices.

Celest: Fine! * gives Regina her phone, laptop and iPad* There

Regina: Thank you... and let this be a lesson. 

(Regina opens the and walks out closing the door behind her)

Celest: and all because Henry couldn't get the words out

Regina: Celest come get breakfast.

Celest:ughhh... COMMING !!!!!

*time skip :)*

(Most of the people of Storybrooke are at David's coming home party. Kathryn introduces him to various people.)

Kathryn: This is Gene.

Gene: Good to see you, Dave.

David: How you doing?

Kathryn: And this is Ellen, his wife.

David: Ellen. Hi.

Ellen: Good to see you, too.

Kathryn: And Frank.

David: Hey.

Dr. Whale: Hey.

Kathryn: Dr. Whale.

Dr. Whale: Hi, David. Look, I know this is a lot, but it's good for you. The smallest thing can trigger your memories. Just try and have fun.

David: Thank you, Dr. Whale. I'll do my best.

(Over by the stairs, Emma, Henry and Celest are talking.)

Henry: You know why he doesn't remember? The curse isn't working on him yet.

Emma: Henry, David has amnesia.

Henry: Well, it's preventing the curse from replacing his fairy tale story with fake memories.

Emma: Right. Because everyone here has fake stories that prevent them from remembering who they really are.

Henry: Right. And now's our chance to help him. We just have to get him to remember that he's-

Emma: He's Prince Charming.

Celest: We just have to jog his memory by getting him and Miss Blanchard together.

Emma: Didn't we just try that?

Celest: And it woke him up.

(David joins Emma and Henry.)

David: Hey. You're the ones who saved me, right?

Emma: Oh, yeah. I guess.

David: And, uh, you're also the only ones I know here.

Emma: You can hide with us.

David: Fantastic.

(A man serves David an appetizer. David stabs a cocktail weenie with a toothpick.)

David: Oh, thank you.

Henry: So, you ever use a sword?

Celest: *mentally face plams* Dude really

David: I'm sorry. Emma, you live with Mary Margaret, right? Do you know if she's coming tonight?

Emma: No, she couldn't make it.

David: Oh.


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