'Is it Important?'

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(Regina walks down the street to where Henry, Mary Margaret and his class are sitting.)

MMB: -water, synthesize.

Regina: Ahem. May I speak with my son?

Celest: We're in the middle of a lesson Mother. Is it important?

Regina: Cut the adittude Celest! Do you think I'd be here if it wasn't?

(Regina walks over to Henry.)

Regina: Henry, sweetie, I have some bad news. The woman who you brought here – she's been arrested. She broke into Dr. Hopper's office and stole his files. She's a con woman. She's trying to learn about us in order to take advantage of us. That's why she's sticking around. I'm sorry.

Henry: No, you're not.

Regina: I know you think otherwise, but all I'm doing is trying to protect you. This is going to be good for us. You'll see. Things will be better.

(The bell rings.)

Henry: I got to get back to class.


(Graham is taking Emma's mugshot. They're at the jail.)

Emma: You know the shrink is lying, right?

Graham: To the right, please. Why would he lie?

Emma: The Mayor put him up to this. She's got to have something on him. He's terrified of her like everyone else in this...town.

Graham: To the left. Regina may be a touch intimidating, but I don't think she'd go as far as a frame job.

Emma: How far would she go? What does she have her hands in?

Graham: Well, she's the Mayor. She has her hands in everything.

Emma: Including the police force?

(Henry runs in. Mary Margaret and Celest are also with him.)

Henry: Hey!

Graham: Henry! Celest!? What are you doing here?

Celest: Our mother told us what happened.

Emma: Of course she did. Henry, I don't know what she said-

Henry: You're a genius.

Emma: What?

Henry: I know what you were up to. You were gathering intel for Operation Cobra.

Graham: I'm sorry. I'm a bit lost.

Henry: It's need to know, Sheriff. And all you need to know is that Miss Blanchard's going to bail her out.

Emma: You are? Why?

MMB: I, uh, trust you.

Emma: Well, if you can uncuff me, I have something to do.


(Regina and Emma are sitting in Regina's office.)

Regina: I'd like to start by apologizing, Miss Swan.

Emma: What?

Regina: I just have to accept the reality that you want to be here.

Emma: That's right. I do.

Regina: And that you're here to take my son from me.

Emma: Okay, let's be clear. I have no intention of taking him from anyone.

Regina: Well, then, what are you doing here?

Emma: I know I'm not a mother. I think that's pretty self-evident. But I did have him. And I can't help that he got in my head and I want to make sure he's okay. The more you try to push me out, the more I want to be here. Especially after seeing how troubled he is.

Regina: You think he's troubled?

Emma: Well, he's in therapy. And I only got through a couple of pages of his shrink's notes before you had me arrested. But putting all that aside. He thinks everyone in this town is a fairy tale character.

Regina: And you don't?

Emma: How can I? The poor kid can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality and it's only getting worse. It's crazy.

(Henry, who has been listening to their conversation, yells out.)

Henry: You think I'm crazy?

Emma: Henry...

(Henry runs out of the room.)

Celest: Really Emma...

(Celest runs after him)

Emma: How long were they out there?

Regina: Long enough.

Emma: You knew he would be here.

Regina: Did I know that my kids come to my office every Thursday at precisely 5:00 p.m. so I can take them for dinner before Henry's therapy session? Of course, I did. I'm their mother. Your move.

Emma: You have no soul. How in the hell did you get like this?

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