3rd part ( Cute fighting 😍)

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**In next morning**

Teahyung pov: I wake up with little headache as I slept late  night .

** Taehyung pov**

Awww jungkook made me lay and went his  room , but when I felt better I again get up and studied.
I want a good result in this exams.
I usually woke up early as my mom is so much    aware about time.
She hate wake up late.
    I washed my face and brushed my teeth.
    After taking shower ,
    I went down stairs.
    I saw Mrs jeon was making breakfast.
    I thought to  give her company as she  was alone  and maybe bored too so I went there.
_ End of pov:

Taehyung smilingly:  Good Morning Aunty.

Mrs.jeon:  Ohhhh tae Good Morning !! Did you sleep well Son? 

Tae in mind: Waooooo she called me son ,
Well son in ………. Taehyung thinking something , something and blushing .

Mrs.jeon:  What happened Tae? Are u oky?

Tae: “No, Nothing Aunty”…...... Last night was amazing, Ummm Do you want some help for me aunty?

Mrs.jeon smilingly:  No son I can do it.
You go and set I will serve you breakfast.

Tae pouted: No , I don’t want to eat alone.

Mrs. jeon: It’s okay you sit they will come soon.

**Taehyung pov:**

                        I just nodded my head and set a      side of table.

~~~  A\N:   Mrs .jeon serve breakfast to Taehyung and sit in front of Tae
Soon Mr.Jeon also come for breakfast.

Mr.jeon: “Good Morning Taehyung.”

Tae with toast in his mouth:  “ G…Good M..morning Uncle.

Mr.jeon smilingly: okay okay first eat then talk:

~~~A\N: "They three started to eat their breakfast within few moments Jungkook come towards them silently"

He sit little far from Taehyung:

Taehyung pov: what is this to me ?

my whole body gave  a cold shiver to seeing him why?

Ohh God what happened to me ?

I’m totally fine before his seeing ,but what happened now , why , and why he looked at me ?

**Jung kook looked at Taehyung and asked **

Jung kook: How’s your stomach now?
(Without any expression , as a casual thing).

Taehyung with so much excitement: A…. ab ,,, I mean … fine , I’m fine

(A\N: And  immediately he looked away from jung kook sharp eye contact).

**Taehyung pov: **

“Why do I’m feeling like this , He is also a  boy then why I feel shy for him .
But what happened with me?
Why my heart pounding like this?
He hold his chest and it was badly pounding”

Mrs.jeon: What happened to you Tae?
Are you okay?
What happened to your stomach?
(  with full of concerned ).

Tae: Ash .. aunty it’s okay ,I’m fine now ,
no issue.

Mr.jeon: Then what about Jung kook said?
If was everything fine??
(“He ask with concerned eyes”)

Teahyung looking down: I don’t know but everything was fine and till now is fine.

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