18 - ( Missing each other 🥺)

891 44 9

~Meanwhile other side :

Mrs.Kim was drinking Tea sitting outside and waiting for someone.

After a while jungkook came and said..
Jung kook: Aunty!

Mrs.Kim: Jungkook, come on. Take a sit.
"She gesture him to sit down, Jung kook nodded and sat down in front of her"..

Mrs.Kim: Why you seem upset?
Jungkook look at her face and than said.

Jung kook: It's nothing..

Mrs.Kim: Well. Go ahead if you have anything to tell me than tell me bcz next time i will not let you talk.
Jung kook  was already disturbed due to his Parents and now this....

Jung kook : What should i say?? I don't know what are you trying to know from me aunty?

Mrs.Kim: Are you sure?
"Jung kook nodded as yes, Mrs.Kim  smiled".

Mrs.Kim: Okay then, Now my turn..... What's going on  between you and Taehyung?
"Suddenly her sweet voice turn into serious...
Jungkook look at her shockingly and said".

Jungkook: What do you  mean by this?  He is  just my student and Friend too.

Mrs.Kim : So a teacher kiss on lips of his students without any relationship between them??

Jungkook looked down and said: You got us?

Mrs.Kim: I really can't believe that my son is in relationship with a guy!

Jungkook said in his sharp voice: I love Taehyung  and he also love me.

Mrs.Kim: Look Jungkook,I  also consider you as my son, I know you both had made a mistake but it can be solve.
My son is my everything and i can't see him with a boy. If he has done a relation with a girl i will have accept that but i can't  accept this. I don't care for anything else but my son will be called a Gay in this hungry and  dirty society and i cant let it happen No never.
He is little and immature to understand this, but you can understand this right?

Jungkook looked at Mrs.Kim: Whatever happens i will always be there with him, i will protect him and I will love him.

Mrs Kim: In straight words i wanted to say Jungkook , Forget him and stay away from Taehyung.
If you didn't do as i say, I will make sure that you can  never see him nor i will let him see you.
“She got up and walked inside”.

Jungkook :  Aunty listen!!! Please don't do this.... I can't leave him or neither he can. Please.. At least don't hurt my Tae….
He shouted while crying, but Mrs.Kim  didn't listen any of his words.

"Unfortunately all of this was heard by Mr Han bcz he also came here by following Jungkook.
He hurriedly come out from the place and called sana".

Mr Han: Sana !! You will not believe hearing this news.

Sana  annoyingly : What is that??
Mr Han: Jungkook said no to marriage bcz of Taehyung and they both are in  relationship.

Sana  anger+shockingly: What the fuck you are telling? Did you drink at this time too?

Mr Han: It's true... I  have heard this by my own ears..
Sana  hang up the call.
~Meanwhile with Jungkook.

Jung kook: I Should meet Taehyung  and tell him about this. Yes, i have to go...
He got up and left for University.

~In University,

Taehyung was sitting outside. He was still waiting for Jungkook, Suddenly he saw sana coming towards him, He stood up, sana  was fire in anger...
She hardly slapped Taehyung without saying anything.

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