part 10 ( jealous taetae 🥰)

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Jungkook hanged up the call and looked inside his hoodie”.

Jungkook: What are you doing??

Taehyung: Don't talk with me.

Jungkook: Huh!!!  But Why?

Taehyung:  How can you talk like this with a girl???

Jungkook laughed: Ohhhh come on. She is my best friend from early childhood.

Taehyung: But then also...
“He come out from Jungkook  hoodiee and sat besides Jungkook  looking for other side.

Taehyung: Don't talk with me.

Jungkook: Ahh Taehyungieeeeeee.
"Jungkook went close to Taehyung but  Taehyung moved away from him".

Jungkook: Taehyung I said stop.

Taehyung angrily : No……
Taehyung was about to got up, then Jungkook grabbed his hand and pinned him bed.

Jungkook angrily: What's your problem.

Taehyung looking another side: I can't share only mine things with anyone whatever they are for you..

Jungkook  smirked :okay !! Make me yours then....

Taehyung shockingly: What!!!! What do you meant??

Jungkook laughed at Taehyung: Noo, it's nothing. She is just my friend not more than this. Don't worry mah baby .

Taehyung hardly blushed for this name”

Taehyung in mind : ayeee I’m his baby “ blushingly”

Jungkook cupped Taehyung face: why are you soo  cute?

Taehyung blushed: It's because of you. You made me like this.
Taehyung  giggled under Jungkook

Jung kook: You...

Taehyung: Me???

Jung kook: You are too beautiful that, I can't afford.

Taehyung: No, I'm here only for you right?

Jung kook: What if you get bored of me?

Taehyung shockingly: So you know What are you talking about?

Jung kook: would you like to be with me Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung blushingly nodded as “yes.”

Jung kook touched Taehyung face gently rub  his finger starring at his those red lips..

Taehyung gulped: W..what happened “Shynigly”??

Jung kook looked up in Taehyung eyes: Can I......

Suddenly doorbell rung and they both get distracted.

Taehyung: Aunty came. Hurry up!!! Got up on me... Jung kook with so much annoy he got up from Taehyung.

Taehyung hurriedly went downstairs to open the door.

~At Downstairs :

Taehyung opened door: Welcome home Aunty Uncle.

Mr.Jeon: Thanks Taehyung.

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