8 part(first kiss 😘)..

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~In night_______.
~Jung kook pov:________.

I think i have done too much with
my Tae.
He didn't even come to my room after dinner. I think he is so angry on me.
It's middle night Mrs.jeon after making Jung kook lay on bed she also went to sleep.

Jung kook: Ouch!!!! Uff why it's paining to move??
Jung kook slowly got up from bed and stood up even he couldn't stand properly in pain. He tried to walk towards door, After 10 minutes he reached to his own rooms door.”

Jung kook in mind: If it take 10 minutes just to reach to my own room door then when I will reach to my Taehyung room??

"Jung kook opened the door and somehow shutting his mouth he reached to Taehyung room. He was about to knock but it was already open”.

Jung kook in mind: Tae you shouldn't sleep keeping the door open.

Jung kook smirked and went inside Taehyung room. The boy laying even without covering his body while the AC is on”.

Jung kook: Ohh It's so cold here. Taehyung!! Why you punishing yourself for me??

Jung kook become sad thinking Taehyung did this for him..
He locked the door first, and slowly covered Taehyung body with blanket.
He sit besides Taehyung and then layed.

Jung kook: Finally! I am with my paradise.
"He gently hugged Taehyung from behind. Feeling the sudden touch Taehyung wake up."

Taehyung: Who... Who???

Jung kook: Shhhh!!! It's me.

Taehyung angrily : Leave me.
'Jung kook hugged him even more tightly. Taehyung while trying to move away From Jungkook".

Taehyung: I said leave me!!

Jung kook: Clam down my bear.
Jung kook gently kissed on Taehyung neck for clam down and it worked.
The younger become silent for a moment. Jung kook rubbing his face in Taehyung neck, grabbed Taehyung waist little tightly.

Jung kook husked: Do you know, How much i missed you??
Taehyung looking straight giving his whole attention to Jung kook”.

Jung kook: It wasn't an accident. I willingly slipped.
I wanted to stay in home with you but i wasn't not allowed to skip my classes..
~Author pov________.

Taehyung become happy hearing that, Jung kook hugged his even more tightly. Their body touching each other.”

Jung kook in low voice: Please forgive me, I just wanted to tease you little. I'm sorry bear.

Taehyung smiled: You are too naughty!!
“He was about to turn but accidentally hit on Jung kook foot.”

Jung kook  in pain : Ouch!!!!

Taehyung: Sorry sorry sorry sorry. Are you okay Hyung?? Is it paining so much? I'm sorry please.

Jung kook: Yeah it's pain but okay. Bcz the painkiller is with me.

Taehyung blushed: Aishh hungy!!!
Jung kook grabbed Taehyung waist and made him turn to him.
Jung kook went Down and hugged Taehyung  placing his head in Taehyung chest.

Jung kook husked: I miss you Taehyung.

Taehyung: I missed you more.
“He also hugged back Jung kook closing his eyes feeling the peace of love.
Suddenly Taehyung eyes get widen, heart started to beat so fast when Jung kook placed his hand inside Taehyung t-shirt. Jung kook  roamed his hand allover Taehyung body.”
"Taehyung moaned little when he felt Jung kook hand on his nipple."

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